Flat screen TV- Do you have one?

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Yup, Ive got a 46" Sharp Aquos LCD 1080P we use in the upstairs bonus room. I chose the lcd because i didnt wany to revisit this TV thing again at least for the next 7 years or so for this room. Plasma has a bad rep, so i stayed away from it. 1080P will only benefit u if you intend on watching a lot of Blu-Ray HD video, because satellite and cable only transmits in 720P and 1080I, so dont think a 1080 will look better, cause it wont :). If you have a 1080P, you will be seeing it in 720P or 1080I when watching reg HD. What i can say is DONT BUY from local chain stores like best buy and circuit city. Look for the best deal online and order it from there. It is warranted by the manufacturer, so you will be covered, it may be a bit more hassle, but you will save a TON of $$$$. Plasmahouse is somewhere you might want to look, do research, these TV's are NOT all the same, check reviews, that will lead you in the right direction
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LCD TVs versus Plasma TVs

Updated June 2006

Compare the two most popular flat screen TV technologies.

Comparison Plasma televisions LCD televisions Advantage

Screen Size Screen sizes range from 32 inches to 63 inches. Larger plasmas, like a 103 inch unit from Panasonic, are in production, but are still prohibitively expensive for consumer use. Sizes range from 13 inches to 45 inches. As with plasma, there are larger LCD TVs made, like a 100 inch display recently released by LG, but they are not readily available or affordable at the consumer level. Plasma TVs are the current size champions, particularly when comparing TVs that consumers can easily purchase. LCDs are catching up in size with their developing technology, however, and may surpass Plasmas in the near future. This may be due to difficulties in producing glass large enough for larger plasmas.

Viewing Angle Up to 160° Up to 175° LCD TVs have the advantage here, but by a small margin. Your viewing experience is not going to be ideal at 160 or 175 degree angles. LCD TVs used to have a problem in this area, primarily because LCDs were originally used as single person computer monitors.

Screen Refresh Rates Plasma displays refresh and handle rapid movements in video about as well as CRT televisions. LCD TVs were originally designed for data display, and not video. Therefore refresh rates had to be improved. LCD TVs with refresh rates below 16 ms or lower (5-15 ms) show very few noticeable artifacts. LCD TVs are now available with refresh rates as low as 5ms. Slight edge to plasma technology.

Burn-in or Stuck Pixels Plasma TVs can suffer from burn-in produced by static images. After extended periods, stationary images "burn in" and produce an after-image ghost which remains permanently on the screen. With technologies such as 'pixel orbitor,' new plasma TVs have addressed burn-in and significantly reduced the issues of older models. LCD TVs do not suffer from burn-in, but can have a "retained pixel charge" which may also produce ghosting. Stuck pixels are also possible with an LCD display. With the latest plasma technology, this is less of an issue than ever before. "Pixel orbitor," for example, is one method of reducing burn in used by plasma manufacturers. It requires no additional programing from the end user as some older burn-in prevention techniques did. If you plan to use a plasma for gaming, some games with permanent 'dashboards' may still cause some burn-in. Check user-manuals for available solutions by model.

Product Life-span Plasma TVs have a reported half life of 30,000 to 60,000 hours. Half-life is the time it takes the lamp to fade to half its original brightness. LCD TVs also have replaceable backlights, but the expense of replacing one when the time comes may be greater than simply replacing the entire TV. Both Plasma and LCD technology should more than adequately satisfy most consumers. The average CRT TV (the kind most of us have at home) has a half-life of around 25,000 hours. If the average American household watches an average of four to six hours of television a day, even a 30,000 hour lamp would give you over 16 years of use. By then you'll be enjoying your new 'Holodeck.'

Weight Plasma displays are fairly heavy, and may need additional supports to be mounted onto a wall. LCD TVs weigh less than comparably sized plasma TVs. LCD TVs are considerably lighter, more portable, and cheaper to ship.

Durability Plasmas are very fragile making them tricky to ship and install. Unlike the commercials where plasmas are mounted on the ceiling, plasmas are best installed by a professional, and should be installed on a wall that can bear a good deal of weight. Much more durable than plasmas. End users can easily mount an LCD TV themselves if desired. LCD TVs are far less fragile than plasmas.

Shipping Due to their fragile nature, plasma TVs need to be shipped by specialty carriers. Overnight or fast delivery options are not recommended. Special shipping methods and their heavier weight add to higher shipping costs. Shipping LCD TVs is not difficult, and is not as expensive as shipping plasma displays. LCD TVs are lighter and far less fragile than plasma displays making shipping easier and less expensive.

Installation Plasmas are heavier, use more power, and run hotter than LCD TVs, and therefore require more planning when mounting them. Plasmas are generally best installed by professionals. End users can easily install LCD TVs themselves, or can use them just as they use a traditional TV using a stand. LCD TVs are much easier to install than plasma TVs.

Brightness/Contrast Plasma TVs report higher brightness and contrast levels than LCDs. Under ideal conditions (no ambient light) this is a true advantage of plasma technology, because LCD TVs are backlit and therefore light must be blocked to create blacks. Plasmas have individual pixels that either on or off, creating deeper blacks and better contrast. LCD TVs can often look better in 'real-world' situations. Plasmas are made with a special glass surface that can reflect light, which dulls the brightness and contrast of the image. LCD TVs reflect very little light, allowing them to maintain levels in well-lit rooms. Both LCD and plasma TVs will meet the brightness expectations of most consumers. However, in 'real world' situations with ambient light, LCD TVs will generally look a little brighter.

Thickness As thin as 3 inches deep. As thin as 2 inches deep. LCDs TVs are just a bit thinner.

Performance at High Altitude High altitudes can affect the performance of plasma displays because the gas held inside each pixel is stressed, and has to work harder to perform. Some manufacturers make plasmas that are specifically designed for high-altitudes, but they may be priced higher than standard models. LCD TVs are not affected by high altitudes. LCD TVs.
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Badger, Looks like some one was doing their home work. LOL

Thank you for the info m8
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I've been looking into this myself recently as I'm planning on getting a new one.

I'm personally going for a 42" plama, mainly for the picture quality. Based on a lot of googling and asking friends/colleagues, the general consensus is that Plasmas offer better picture quality in a living room environment and less pixellation.

The main advantage of course is the black levels you get on a good plasma. They are also supposed to be better when upscaling non-HD, which is very important to me.
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{ESC}Vicar wrote:I've been looking into this myself recently as I'm planning on getting a new one.

I'm personally going for a 42" plama, mainly for the picture quality. Based on a lot of googling and asking friends/colleagues, the general consensus is that Plasmas offer better picture quality in a living room environment and less pixellation.

The main advantage of course is the black levels you get on a good plasma. They are also supposed to be better when upscaling non-HD, which is very important to me.
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Well if you ever wanted to know what the BEST tv you can buy as of right now is, it's this one. http://www.runco.com/xp-65dhd.html

They make a 103" version but the picture isn't as tight.

Hey, the 65" is only $20,000.00 so why not get two????? LOL !!!
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Do they have VGA connectors? Unless I can run my pc with dual desktop on em Im out.
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