[PSI]'s ~Necromancer~ and Viol8r are happy to announce......

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Gavin Michael Wegner is here!!!! He came to us by emergency c/section on Saturday, January 19th, 2008 weighing in at 4 lbs 10 oz of peanut sized joy. He was 18 3/4 in long and our tiniest one yet. He still had 3 more weeks of cooking to do but decided to come and meet his family early.

Gavin and I are doing just fine and we got home Wed. Jan. 23rd after 4 long days and nights in the hospital. I'm not going into much detail here but I started labor on Friday night (18th) starting at 10pm and by midnight they were pretty intense. We decided to go to the hospital because my water had broken. When we got there I was put on a fetal monitor and with every contraction Gavin's heartbeat decided to drop from 150 to 40. After seeing this for about 15 min. the doctor came in and said that this couldn't go on anymore so I was prepped for an emergency c/section. After Gavin came out doctor did what I asked and tied my tubes since 3 beautiful children are enough to love.

I'm very sore but very happy to finally be home with my family. Here are some pictures of us after Gavin was born. (don't mind the one of me; I desperately needed a shower and they wouldn't let me take one)

Gavin and Mommy


Gavin and Daddy

Gavin, big brother & big sister

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Congrats to you and your family on the newest addition. :bravo2: :bravo: :D
Glad to hear that your doing fine. I also am a father of 3 and know exactly what you mean that 3 is enough. 8)

p.s. he is a cute little peanut :shock:
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:D :D Huge congrats, Necro & Vio ! He looks so cute ! :D

A third sniper that you will have to convert to Freeze Tag... ;)

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Congrats Necky and Viol8r !!!!!! :D :D :D

I glad everyone is ok and that your home now.

Thanks for sharing the pics and I hope that you feel better soon. 8)

You know that Doc is gonna say that you named the baby after him and now we're never going to hear the end of it !!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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OMG Look at him he is sooo damn cute,,,omg make me want more,,,ummm ok NO!!
Get well!! take it easy !!!

Congrats to you all!!!
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I am so glad to hear you are all doing good :) :bravo2:

Yup yup That is one cute little Peanut ;)

Nice middle name "Michael"
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Congratz Necro and Viol8r to your 3rd child!! Good to hear that you all are fine!!

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Congratulations guys, im glad to hear all is well :mrgreen: 8)
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congratz now you must spoil you kids rotten
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{ESC}Doc Gavage
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congrats to you all

see i can keep a secret although i was gagging to tell the name ....

thats a great family you both have there

:D :D :D :D

p's its never to early to enrole him in ESC ,he would make history as the youngest ever player

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Dont mess withe the best because the best don't mess

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