Aleadis has killed you.

Talk about anything you want here.
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At some point it has happened, don't deny it.

Aleadis is my most frequented FPS alias, because when deciding on a name I took the name of my Invoker off of another game, due to the nature of the spellcasters class and its job of dealing powerful damage which is something I try to embody as I annihilate joo punx (j/k... about the punx part...).

I am DeMAG's son, I'm seventeen, I will be 18 in June. I have been playing games since i was 8, starting with a gameboy. I got into roleplaying games with more complicated gaming processes when I was 10, I started playing first person shooters about 4 years ago or so with SOF2.

My favorite gametypes for CoD4 are TDM, Domination, S&D, and Sabotage. (still deciding about freezetag)

Anyways, my currently played games are CoD4, WoW, and on rare occasions CoD5.

Nice to play with ESC and I will continue to do so, thanks for the times I've already been able to enjoy playing with you.

And on a final note.... It's Peanut Butter Jelly Time! :lockt:
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Well nice to officially meet you Aleadis. Good playin with ya on the server for the xtg mini scrim we had.

and SOF 2 is still my favorite 1st person shooter... ...(even though COD 4 is sneaking up on it). Hope to see ya on the server more :Gleedox:
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Welcome to the fray...always nice to get shot by someone less than half my age...just to remind me how old, slow and blind I am truly becoming. The trifocals are helping a bit though, if I remember to wear them.

You are welcome here anytime!!

:grandpa: Grandma Betty
"A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep." Saul Bellow

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,,haha on a side note I will not call myself a grandma until I officially am one!!LOL and that had better be a long time!!!

HEY there AL,,can I call you AL??heheh nice to see you in game with us and your always welcome!! Hows the ear piecings going>??LOL
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Glad you found us Adelius......<~~~~LAGER. LOL (had to be there)

Aleadis is not new to me.
I had the misfortune of meeting him in my previous clan. hehe.

Always good to play with you now that you have a pc that can actually play the game. (no lag)
See ya on the battlefield.
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Hello Aleadis ... Glad you stopped in to say hi.

If you are not dieing you are not playing
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