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Hey all i think alot of you are familiar with me, for those of you who are not i am Lewda. i have been registered for a hot minute but have not until now posted . I have been thinking about dropping my tags and pledging to {ESC} i enjoy playing on your server and have gotten to know most of you who play quite well ................ well so much for the intro! cya on the battlefield! :chaingun:
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Oh Great to see you Lewda ! i know who you are a nice teamate and a good player ! pleasure to welcomed you if you want join the clan ! :yahoo:
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Hiya Lewda,
Welcome to the forums. :party: I hope to play ya soon.

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Hi Lewda

Thanks for taking the time to look us up and say hello.

Hell yeah we know you !!!! :) Your a regular here and I think I speak for us all when I say we really enjoy gaming with you. :chaingun:

As far as joining {ESC} goes, we have a strick rule about not recruiting members from other clans. With that being said all I can say is to follow your heart.

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Hey Lewda! great to see you in the forums. I think Lager puts it best, follow your heart. If ya have fun here, then make it your home. That's kinda how I wound up here myself. I wish you the best in whatever you decide. Either way you're kinda already part of the family.
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Hello Lewda thank you for stopping in to say hi.

Hope to cya in game.
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Hey Lewda..I replied to your PM!!!So get your ass moving!!LOLOL
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Hello Lewda it is always fun when your on the server. Glad you made it to the forums. :fyeah:
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Welcome Lewda.

Hope it works out for ya.

Same as Bunny, I followed my heart.
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