Greets from one strange bird.

Talk about anything you want here.
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{ESC} Flamingo
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Location: Colorado Springs, CO


Not really, but I wish.

Anyways, thanks for taking me into the "recruit" process of ESC. I've been playing on the Freezetag server almost all day today and met some more members, and having just an overall great time. I figured some of you may be interested in knowing just who is the guy behind the mic / mouse who goes by the name Flamingo.

First off, my name's Steven and flamingos are my favorite animal, no real reason for it, they just always stuck out to me when I was at the zoo as a little kiddo.

As you can see by my Xfire, I play competely random games, varying from MMORPG's to FPS and even some puzzle games here and there. I've been gaming since I can remember, I remember long nights playing Tony Hawk Pro Skater and Crash Bandicoot with my friends back in Georgia. That was a little over a decade ago and I've obviously grown up. I graduated High School a semester early because I hated it, highest rate of crack addicts and pregnant teenagers in Colorado Springs... what? I did two years in College before deciding it wasn't for me, and I enlisted in the Army. I've got a long way to go yet with life, but I'm making the best of it at every possible chance ;)

So for those of you interested, let's make my last ~2months before B.C.T. filled with some awesome frags and kills!
:chaingun: :chaingun: :chaingun: :chaingun: :chaingun: :chaingun:
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Nice to get to know you a bit. Tater will soon drop into the server and then all heck will break lose............or I will just sit there frozen. One or the other..........

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{ESC} Flamingo
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Location: Colorado Springs, CO

{ESC}Thumper wrote:arre you sure your not thinking of [link2]Captain Flamingo,[/link2]
Haha, what in the world did I just click on....?
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hahaha,,,whats your xfire?? add me escblackrose

and nice to meet you!!
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Nice to meet you flamingo !
i played with you yesterday and it's fun with you,you are a good player and nice mate !
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{ESC} Flamingo
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{ESC}BlackRose wrote:hahaha,,,whats your xfire?? add me escblackrose

and nice to meet you!!
Soupsgood, but Ill send you a request ;)
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{ESC} Flamingo
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Location: Colorado Springs, CO

Haha, I oddly like the first one, I should photoshop that into a nice little sig.
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Hiya Flamingo

It's nice to meet you and to get to know you a bit better.

I'm sure I'll see ya again soon on the server or TS.

I think we can make your last two months interesting before you go in !!!!!!! :chaingun:

OMG!!!!!.............another Steve :ok:
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Hello Bird man ... Best of luck with B.C.T.
If you are slightly touched you will enjoy the next two months :)
If you are not dieing you are not playing
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