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Hello everyone, im Master's little brother in real life. My real name is '' Aihan''. I'm 15 years old and i've been playing call of duty for like 2 years. I'm not bad, i've got experience with cod4. Well i've played in those servers of Esc Clan. Zombies and Freezetag are pretty cool. I'd like to meet everyone and have fun in-game with you guys! Looks cool to me!

Alright, cya later and hope to see you in-game! :party:
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Masterslilbro wrote:... Looks cool to me!
:coolehh: Yep, cool as ice. Especially when your brother is playing. Look forward to playing with you Aihan.
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Thanks for your reply, i appreciate it and i'm sure we will have fun playing together :)
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{ESC} Jens
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hey hey :) another dutch killing machine:)

fine to see you here:)
looking forward to freeze you
17 Years Young, From Belgium.
I May Be Young But Don't Underestimate Me!
xfire: xjens
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hey Aihan pleased to meet you :coolehh: your brother is a good man :hugs:
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hey aihan i love you lil brother........ welcome!
Well btw...... you guys can speak to aihan in TS.... his english is much beter then mine lol!
Last edited by {ESC}Master on Fri Aug 13, 2010 7:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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I have Dutch ancestors. Probably the most notorious was a mariner, Anthony VanSalee. Well actually he was a pirate. :pirate2:
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Hello there nice to meet you. Enjoyed speaking with you on TS today.
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Hello Aihan
Hope to meet you soon.

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