10 things to do at the gym shower

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hahaha some how I see KV all over those!!!!
ESC Member
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Location: Co. Down

i know I did the sodium one in school... well kinda... it was 50 grams potassium, a Durex condom, a toilet, a cork with several pins, blue tack and a good alibi, and a table.
first lock yourself in cubicle, then place potassium or other alkali metal in condom and inflate, insert the inflated contraceptive (complete with said alkali metal) into the bowl of the loo, (the deeper the better)place blue tack on the under side of the loo lid (i recommend practising at home with this one just to get time right) and place either the cork or other pin inserted object on the blue tack if done correctly it should fall off several minutes later and close the lid gently. Now this is the messy part, leave the cubicle without out touching toilet, toilet seat or door. Now make a big display in your common room with a table (i recommend doing a handstand on a table and bouncing off onto another table, in this case, i accidentally broke the table) in front of lots of friends or class associative and when questioned say it was to infatuate the heart of a certain someone with your aerobatic skill.

that was in 2004, when i was 15...you really think i would have wised up, been caught or would have told someone lol.
but by gosh that toilet cracked and alot of evil leaked out and flooded the basement toilets and males changing rooms lol. in retrospect it took some time like 20 minutes i was bricking it for the first 5, then i got into the role of long haired, outcast trying to be school and piss off footballers whilst failing at impressing girls. ( that was so fun)
If i get caught now i suppose that will be ok as I now ADMIT I AM THE TOILET BLOWER!!!!! (upper of 2004)
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