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Hey guys I have an announcement to make, it will just take a moment of your time to read.

All you sports fans, followers and haters, I've got something to ask of you all, The ALL IRELAND GAELIC FOOTBALL CHAMPIONSHIP FINAL will take place in a few weeks on the 19th of September, and will last around 90 minutes. PLEASE take the time and watch it! It will be a helluva a match!!!
The Match is against the Brave Down Team and the Strong Cork Team. Its been 16 years since Down has been at this level and Dammit, They're doing a great job. As for Cork they are a powerful team and they will put up a fight!

I reckon you will all enjoy it and the "CRAIC WILL BE 90!" Especially with a few beers. I hope you can get it over abroad, and if you can't watch it live then record it for it will be some game!

Its a chance to experience the Irish culture"'s hoping at their best!"

(Normally I don't follow this sport as I've had real bad experiences with it in school (actually with members of the Down Team) but I have to say I couldn't take my eyes off Down on their Semi Final as it was Riveting, and needless to say about my County's team members, They are fantastic footballers and are really making the County PROUD!)

(I'm a Down Fan, but I have to say Cork have a great Squad! unfortunately Down is better! lol)
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I love football !!!! I love beer!!!! I'll be there!!!!!

:party: :party: :party: :party:

Thanks for the heads up KV!!! Good olde blood and guts, smash mouth football!!!! :waveflag:

Wait a minute...your not talking about soccer are you??? If so...... :xxxx_spank:

[flv] ... ay-flv.flv[/flv]

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NO!!!!! Not soccer, Gaelic. Similar but very different sport, like comparing American Football to Rugby (sorry to ruffle feathers with last statement but its a legit comparison). Forgot rules and scoring system.
Technical fouls

The following are considered technical fouls ("fouling the ball"):

* Picking the ball directly off the ground (It must be scooped up into the hands by the foot). However, in ladies' Gaelic football, the ball may be picked up directly.
* Throwing the ball (It may be "hand-passed" by striking with the fist)
* Going four steps without releasing, bouncing or soloing the ball. (Soloing involves kicking the ball into one's own hands)[9]
* Bouncing the ball twice in a row (It may be soloed continuously)
* Hand passing a goal (the ball may be punched into the goal from up in the air, however)
* Square ball, an often controversial rule: If, at the moment the ball enters the small square, there is already an attacking player inside the small rectangle, then a free out is awarded.
* Changing hands: Throwing the ball from your right-hand to left or vice-versa. Legal in the ladies' game.

Shoulder to shoulder contact and slapping the ball out of an opponent's hand are permitted, but the following are all fouls:

* Using both hands to tackle
* Pushing an opponent
* Striking an opponent
* Pulling an opponent's jersey
* Blocking a shot with the foot
* Sliding tackles
* Tripping
* Touching the goalkeeper when he/she is inside the small rectangle
* Wrestling the ball from an opponent's hands

Unfortunately the ref can't see everything so fights often break out away from the ball lol.
Score a point by getting ball over the bar
score a goal (3 points) by getting ball in the net
PS @ 1.51 in the video is overtime, over scores a goal wins forever lol I joke
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Cool K.V
If you are not dieing you are not playing
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