Noize MC - Stalingrad

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This vid is from one Russian Hip-Hop artist, so u may not understand what does he sing. anyway, the visuals explain everything - the overusage of their power by cops and the law enforcers (beating women, delivering baton shots to peaceful citizens, performing jump kicks on civilians, etc).
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interesting, is that a normal thing in Russia or just some of the bad cops being caught on film? Because i know we have some stuff like that, maybe american cops are a little more careful when cameras are around? :)

oh and ya didnt understand a single word of the song :P
Follow truth or stutter through a lie,
Will to push or give up and fall behind,
Live with peace or nurture your tragic life,
Bite the bullet or swallow it whole
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it is normal, 'cause many of the scenes were framed with a cell-cams (at one of them the guy whos' taknig a shot gets punched by a cop). it's considered to be a usual thing to get stopped, ordered to show id and then to get some punches to a liver and get some ribs broken... and it can occur with hundreds of witnesses, but no one of them won't even try to stop a cop from doing his "duty"... God praise Russia :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
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