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I have recently reformatted my pc. Today I loaded steam and for some reason am unable to connect to steam servers. The actual error is: Could not connect to Steam network.
This could be due to a problem with your internet connection , or with the Steam network.
My connection is just fine! No Router.
Any ideas on this?
I have defraged, ran anitivirus,adware/malware, turned off my firewall & connected directly to my modum.

PS: Have I mentioned that I friggen hate Steam?
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Dude, I had this same problem a while back so giving my PC and connection the benefit of the doubt, I googled Steam and downloaded another copy- all has been well do far.
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Somedays when steam have a big game release, the steam master server usually always go down and u cant connect at all to it.
Just started mine and it seems they have patched it so that could be the reason for steam being down.
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I tried to connect again, same error. Uninstalled, ran a search for steam & deleted 3 hidden files. Pc is clear of all steam files & folders. Re-downloaded steam and got the same error. Im thinking I have a bad setting somewhere. I dont know.
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{ESC}Irish687 wrote: ...STEAM SUCKS
remember: It's ALL good.
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Seems to be "a little unstable" to say the least.

I had bought the game on DVD "COD BO" and had to install three times, Steam kept bombing on install.

No Google results for the crash either.
If you are not dieing you are not playing
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Try running Revo Uninstaller for complete clean-out of Stem (including hidden registry branches). Then DL the client from

Works fine for me.
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I tried your suggestion. I got the same error.
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have you ask steam???
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