What is the USA?

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Hey all
I was asked earlier what was the USA and their political parties all about.
I answered
"Well the USA was founded as a Republic and I believe now its a democracy (even though the 2 are very close together) and I have no Idea what the democrats, (I'm guessing those in favour of Democracry) the republicans (Those in favour of Republicism) , the Liberals and the conservatives are about."

I was then asked why are all American Prisons, owned by businesses? (I said huh?) You know like in Micheal Moore's Capitalism A Love Story? (I said come agian?) and apparntly some corrupt judge was sentencing children for long periods of time for stupid reasons, like writing something on facebook against some government official and getting 2 years imprisonment. (I'm trying to remember a quote of a quote so forgive my inaccuracies) My response was" It is a movie, probably some of it was true like most of Micheal Moore's stuff but it generally biased stuff. As for the prisons i would say some could be probably business run, but I say alot aren't.
So my question about this Does the USA have total control over your correctional facilities? By that I mean for all business run facilities, do random government officials (a new to minimise corruption) inspect these prisons?

Hope this doesn't start I nasty debate where ppeople fall out but i am curious for any answers. So I would gladly appreciate any answers regarding what the United States of America is and how it political system works.
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The United States of America (USA) is a republic, governed by elected representatives. A democracy is governed directly by the people. In general, a republic is a democratic form of government because the officials are accountable to the people. (At least that's how it is suppose to work.)

The two major political parties, Republican and Democratic, are not indicative of republic or democracy. Historically, the first two parties were the Federalist and Democratic-Republican (figure that one out.) There has also been Whigs, Labor, Green, Libertarian etc..

Michael Moore tends to pick and choose situations that support his causes. Prisons in the U.S. are mostly state, and a few federal, institutions. Jails are local facilities designed to hold prisoners generally up to one year. Almost all jails and prisons are staffed and managed by the government agencies responsible for them. Some are contracted to private corporations.

There are also some "radical" judges who impose relatively harsh sentences for seemingly minor infractions. There are sentencing guidelines and judges are also answerable to higher authorities, up to and including the U.S. Supreme Court.

With considerable power and money involved in all this, there are bound to be abuses. As long as people are in charge, some of them get greedy and need to be occasionally brought to justice themselves.

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very mate thank you very much!
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Bravo :bravo: :bravo: :bravo: :bravo: . Mayberry for President!!! :fyeah:
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Uh...just to add my two bits worth...Technically the US is a Democratic Republic - we've managed to combine the two in a sometimes confusing way - but it seems to work. As far as the political parties go....Republicans tend to be right wing...meaning less liberal - Democrats tend to be more liberal in their views. That is a VERY broad definition, as both parties seem to swing around a bit - but that is pretty representative of the general American public; at least for those that bother to stay informed and actually vote.

I'm not much of a political party person, but I do encourage people to vote - not for whom to vote - but just to vote. I find it rather ironic that some in this country are deluded into thinking their voice has no meaning. Thousands of people risk their lives trying to get here each year just to have that freedom. And yet...we still have those citizens that don't register to vote. Frankly, if all those people actually got together, registered and voted - they'd have enough voice to swing an election. The hard part is convincing them of that point. I believe that some political action committees take advantage of the fact that a majority don't care to stay informed - it helps further their cause and keeps opposition to a minimum.

As a side note - I encourage voting, but also respect those that choose not to exercise that right. I'm not an in your face type. I put my money where my mouth is and served my country. I do what I say I'm going to do and I fought for the right to do so, as well as for those who choose not to exercise their freedoms, and those who disapprove of my service.

Oh...and before I get off my soap box - Michael Moore is a dope. He's a delusional fascist who tramples upon anyone who has an opposing voice - he is DECIDEDLY un-American and Anti-free speech - no matter how he represents himself. I'm surprised that more people don't see through his straw-man fallacy laden arguments.

OK....I'm done now. LOL
"A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep." Saul Bellow

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:chaingun: :chaingun: :chaingun:
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Gee Betty, tell us how you really feel. Good followup and endoresment on voting. Many find easier to complain than get of their duffs every two years and cast their ballot.
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Vote for Pedro!
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If someone would take money out of the equation it might just work the way it was meant to work.

My two cents
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