hello from resolute

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to the esc community:

ive been playing here a while so this is long overdue, but a hearty hello and most of all, THANK YOU, to the fine people of ESC and in particular to the server admins, esc members and regulars of cod4 freezetag. i started fps with mohaa in 2000 and have not played anything else online besides the cod series since. i tried but did not particularly like cod5 and bfbc2 and never bought the wholly inadequate modern warfare 2. i discovered freezetag first on the xi servers and then found your server. until something blows my socks off, i think im sticking with cod4 freezetag. i think the freezetag mod provides an added element of teamwork that other fps titles continue to promise but rarely deliver.

i do find that cod4, even while not a simulator and not on many levels even realistic, does give me a mechanism to practice and use in the virtual world many techniques and tips that translate into the real world. not shooting of course but cover and concealment, angles, movement and communication to a degree.

ive been asked several times about a couple things so maybe ill address those here: i have a fairly standard computer that has a decent graphics card and a 21" monitor. im not on that computer now but i think its a x7 chip and has two internal hard drives and a good soundcard. my fios is 35/15 so my pings are great. my mouse is a ~5 year old dell mouse. because i just moved into my new house and just havent bought a mousepad yet, my current "mousepad"--and im not making this up--is the instruction manual for my samsung refrigerator, which is a better surface than the blank stack of copy paper that i used before. i use headphones which to me are indispensable. i dont talk a whole lot because im kind of competitive and i think i get as many kills from listening and watching the minimap as i do from any kind of so-called talent. i use all the default keyboard controls and have never bound a key to do anything except z for voice chat...which means i dont auto-defrost or scroll fire, which to this day i have never tried or seen done and cant for the life of me see how that would make me a better shooter. i have been meaning to video me using my trusty index finger on the mouse. i would like to bind a thank you message though.

mostly i just wanted to say thank you for providing countless hours of entertaining distraction for me and i appreciate what you guys do and how hard it probably is to maintain the servers and such. thanks for the great servers and the good times.

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Hey great to see you here and thank you for the kind words,,everyone here works hard to maintain a quality place for ppl to hang and shoot each other,,lolol

Catch you on the servers!!!
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We appreciate the fine words above- you are a great player and we are happy to have you playing with us.

I for one will state for the record that when you are on the opposite team as me, I have to be on my "toes" and/or keep my head down in fear of getting shot by you. And, in retrospect when we are on the team, I believe you have saved my ass many times so ...

I say cheers :cheers: and a high- five, dude :hugs:
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Hiya Resolute,
Welcome to the forums, Thank you for the nice words about the server... :angel:
This site will teach you how create text binds..
http://www.focusedgaming.com/call-duty- ... -cod4.html
UT99 GOTY Download (454 MB) 436 patch included.. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/18463523/UT99-W ... -Patch.zip

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res is a muppet!
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aNuBiS wrote:res is a muppet!
in my best soup nazi voice....

no defrost for YOU!!
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Hey Res,

As much as I dislike you being on the opposing team as it generally means my kills taking a nose-dive, it's a pleasure to play the game with you. And as for the few people who whine about key-binds/high pings/low pings/good hardware/your-mother-having-a-second-cousin-who-worked-for-intel-which-somehow-gives-you-an-advantage or whatever nonsense they spout... Take it as a compliment, it's just because they can't figure out how you bested them (again). Personally I enjoy the challenge of figuring out where in the world you shot me from and, eventually, (after several more deaths) paying you back. :hatsoff:
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Hey Res welcome to the forums and like Ghost said take all the bad mouthing as them sayin good job and shoot there ass again... except me of course aim for cutter we all know how much u enjoy shooting him.... :) :) :)
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Hi resolute,

I agree fully with your comment about the FT mod. teamplay with this is better than al other games like CTF or so. never liked those.
I also played Mohaa FT for several years, but since i have bought a better PC the game started freeze itself during gameplay :( very annoying, and eventually i had to leave my clan because they couldn't rely on me during scrim ( my choice by the way)

The {ESC} server is my most favorite because of the nice maps and members.

See you in the server!
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Ghost wrote:Hey Res,

As much as I dislike you being on the opposing team as it generally means my kills taking a nose-dive, it's a pleasure to play the game with you. And as for the few people who whine about key-binds/high pings/low pings/good hardware/your-mother-having-a-second-cousin-who-worked-for-intel-which-somehow-gives-you-an-advantage or whatever nonsense they spout... Take it as a compliment, it's just because they can't figure out how you bested them (again). Personally I enjoy the challenge of figuring out where in the world you shot me from and, eventually, (after several more deaths) paying you back. :hatsoff:

Ghost: what an awesome compliment, and i mean that because you are a superb player. Your in game awareness is extremely high and your skill is top notch. I've never ever ever ever cried BS to anyone about being killed simply because i know the game and know--unless someone is obviously cheating--what shots are possible and why. But I have been killed by you (many times) and cursed to myself offline more than once because you understand the game. I think the game is at its best with good players and you are certainly one of the best all around players. There are good killers and good positional players and good defrosters...you are all of those.. The game is most fun against the best competition...Thanks a lot and maybe we'll wind up on the same team every now and then!

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