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Redneck Commander
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ok so I have been a ham operator for a number of years now, and a member of Skywarn, which is a group of volunteer storm spotters.

tonight, we received the storms that tore Missouri up yesterday, and it generated quite a stir up here..

i was in Twinsburg Ohio, when i caught the following on camera, and it is the beginning formation of a tornado.

what i captured was the rotation, updraft, wall cloud, and then the sirens went off and the hail hit so i jumped in the truck and booked outta there..

this is one of the 9 videos i took, and i edited it down to 4 and a half minutes where i had the camera sitting on the roof of my explorer, and then i sped it up x3 so as not to bore anyone, but this clearly shows the development of the tornado, and like i said, when the sirens went off, and the pea and chick-pea hail started coming down, i got out..

the intention of Skywarn is NOT to storm-chase, it is to storm-SPOT, and report, so the warnings can get out ASAP, and with as much accuracy as possible.

here is a link to the Summit county Skywarn page, which is my home county here in Ohio.
73's, and above all, BE SAFE.

remember: It's ALL good.
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Woah...I've never seen the development before - went through one while I was in boot camp down in Florida -- but it was super mild. I'm sure glad there are people like you around = I bet you guys really help to save lives. Thanks for what you do!

"A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep." Saul Bellow

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must be super freaky to hear warning sirens!!
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And here's what I get to look forward to in the next few hours...
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I live in Nashville Il, this is the hotzone right now. We have 2 tornadoes heading this way. There are a total of 5 in about a 50 mile radius of me. All of them heading north east. It starting to look weird outside too lol the one tornado is about 5 miles south west heading directly for us. I cant see the tornado but it looks pretty funky real yellowish and calm.
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Where is Nashville, IL?? We'll just call that Illinucky... (like I've got room to talk...)
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Nahville is 50 miles east of St. Louis, nothing happened here. A few limbs fell and the power went out for a couple hours.
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