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Posts: 2
Joined: Sun Oct 21, 2012 1:59 pm

Hello, people usually call me Flat for short im 17 in high school been playing on ESC Freeze tag for 1 year. Ive been a gamer for 9 years. I really like the community of ESC so i finally joined and because ive been playing a lot of freeze tag lately. I also play League of Legends a lot and play COD4 when i got no one to play League with. Rite now for the future im probably going either with computer programming or computer networking as a career path.
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Posts: 1248
Joined: Sun May 24, 2009 5:44 pm
Location: Oregon

On Oct. 21 you posted an application indicating you were 16 and would be 17 in two months! Our minimum age requirement is 17.
You also indicate in this post that you "finally joined". No one here knows who you are. No one indicates they've seen you play on our COD4 servers or been in TS. I thought I saw you in TS yesterday but I was just passing through. If you are serious about applying for membership to our family - please refer to your initial application - comments were posted there advising you to join our servers and TS so we begin to know something about you. Until then, you must be 17 to apply......
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