thawing a dead horse

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seems we have a lot of new players lately who may or may not know the importance thawing has in determing what team wins. gets frustrating watching the minimap and seeing no attemp to thaw your frozen ass, especially when if you got there by going out on a limb to thaw someone else. anyways....

some tips for freeze tag:
1: thaw first, shoot second.
2: if you are getting beat down in spawn, use your spawn protection to get out, unless you can thaw at least 2 players while in spawn. (1 is a wash, 2 ups our numbers).
3: hide as much of your body behind cover. crouch and lean are your friends.
4: avoid open spaces. run from cover to cover.
5: if you feel a hit on you, move reflexively in another direction, you might get away.
6: aim for the head or upper torso.
7: don't walk around with your gun pointing at the ground. keep it pointing in the most likely direction of an enemy (at the corner you are about to round, the window you are walking by, etc..) or at least straight ahead at torso level.
8: if you see a gun barrel or body part sticking out a window or corner. shoot where the body should be, depending on the map some materials are more likely to let a bullet pass than others. (regardless of what they look like) ie. cant shoot through a wood box but easily shoot through concrete wall.
9: play as a team, communication is key.
10: keep chatter relevant to the situation. (if I'm the last player i don't need to know there is a guy on the stairs near you on the other side of the map, i need the player near me to tell me what he sees).
11: be conscious of your location, try to stay visible to your team so we can thaw you, if you run directly to their spawn at the start of the round and stay there frozen the entire time, i wont feel bad for you.
12: a good team tactic (map dependent): hang back let the other team move up on you. shoot them as close to your spawn as possible (makes defrosting them harder). then move as a swarm toward their spawn ( at least one player needs to stay back and guard the frozen ).
13: guard frozen opponents. (they cant win without defrost either).
14: thaw from a distance. take a second to get in the safest position possible before you thaw (you cant thaw if you are frozen) i.e. in a corner, behind a tree... if possible try to face where emeny might approach from.
15: if you are getting thawed, keep watch for your thawer and report any enemy activity.
16: report enemy locations to teammates.
17: take your eye out of your scope every few seconds to check your surroundings and minimap.
18: don't cry bs on everything, its annoying.
19: realize COD has been out a very long time, people have had a long time to get really good.
20: don't let buzz shoot you.
21: don't criticize other players playing style. I'm not a run and gunner, so don't tell me to get moving, and i wont stop thawing you.
22: you can mute other players.
23: most importantly, have fun! if you are getting annoyed or aggravated, do something else for awhile. there's always real life to fall back on. (i know, sometimes RL is why we are playing games).
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I just tell them to thaw,,if they dont I DONT THAW THEM!!
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That is what i normally do too :)
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Goods tips! :1010:
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i can do it sir , the hard number is the 20 i get shot by all sir , but i will try to do these more ofthen and complain less

thanks ZENO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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thanks zeno, these are great...a couple similar or additional:

1 - simple math tells you if you are the last one left (or close to it) and you thaw two but then die, you have still doubled your team in the end. please dont come out of spawn after being thawed and martyr yourself. thawing more than you die is how comebacks happen if done collectively

2 - generally dont defrost in spawn. get out of spawn to cover and defrost back INTO spawn. youd be amazed how many you can defrost that way

3 - totally agree on letting different playing styles go. runners seem to always say they have one left, what are you doing in spawn. well, if i was the last one left on the other team and had a clue, i wouldnt be in my own spawn if i could help it. not to mention, i may hang back, but if i can cover frozen players and see escape routes AND i can thaw you from where im at, why do i need to move and join you on a goose chase?

4 - just want to reiterate in most cases, with essentially the same players playing here over and over, you being frozen is not bs or "impossible," its you being had. "but i unloaded a whole clip in him". no you didn't. you missed. think anyone really wants to hear your sordid tale?

5 - the mini map is a wonderful thing. use it, especially if youre last or its in OT

6 - clays are controversial but if you have a clay perk and silence on, they are great to switch to if you expect to be defrosted and be one of the last ones left. clays can give the impression you are elsewhere and they are also an early warning signal, revealing enemy movement

thanks zeno - res
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Y'all forgot a couple more:

1: If you are one of the last players, sometimes letting an enemy go to not give away your position is the move to make (as long as they have not seen you that is)
2: Dont bunch up with your teammates, its good to stay in the vicinity but standing so to close will most likely get both of you killed faster.
3: If playing with low numbers, don't take the obvious route. Getting out of spawn unseen (often) is the way you can survive to defrost a lot.
4: Try and remember who you froze and where. If the enemy is down to less then 3, it helps if you can see who got defrosted and where he was.
5: When giving intell, try to say the name of who it is relevant to. If you dont know it say enemy on (your name). That way people will understand that you are talking to them, cause most players dont watch the minimap enough to see who's talking or know the voices well enough to know who is who.

Now I will repeat a few cause I think some people still dont get it:

Defrost first, shoot second (unless not shooting makes for a certain death)

Don't camp, don't snipe, don't run and gun, dont use heavy weapons, dont knife, dont do headshots and dont kill trough walls or with grenades, these things might invoke whiners to cry. (Let the sarcasm be heard)
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Only one tip I would like to add (and its kind of a repeat with a twist): When you are the last one(s) left, don't go for the easy thaws, thaw people out of view of spawn/ or just plain hard to get to - so THEY can get the easy thaws. Otherwise that person who is 'Hard to get to' will never be thawed, and quite frankly you will be thawing the same people over and over until the end, which is not good.
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if you are the last one alive from your team in sudden death, go hunting. there is no point hiding in a corner because you are afraid to die, you are not helping your team. either you have to kill all the other players or you loose, at least make an attempt.
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{ESC}UDClown wrote:Only one tip I would like to add (and its kind of a repeat with a twist): When you are the last one(s) left, don't go for the easy thaws, thaw people out of view of spawn/ or just plain hard to get to - so THEY can get the easy thaws. Otherwise that person who is 'Hard to get to' will never be thawed, and quite frankly you will be thawing the same people over and over until the end, which is not good.
this is so very true. those four or five teammates frozen in spawn are there because they arent savvy enough to leave spawn and do the smart thing, leave spawn even at the risk of dying faster so you can thaw more safely and easily. if you simply thaw those few people over and over, you are spinning wheels and you will lose

sure you can extend the map a minute or two, but the only way to stem the tide and actually WIN is to vacate spawn or at least get to a place where you can thaw those furthest away from your spawn. once you get a couple of those back in the mix, you can gather momentum and possibly do it. thawing and rethawing the same 1-2 people in your spawn is a waste of time. rethawing people in your spawn when there are 7-8 frozen teammates in the area can work because of sheer numbers
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