Hello from Femme

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Hey everyone,
Hi My name is Femme, I am almost 41 yrs of age and have 3 wonderful children and I am engaged. In my spare time I play cod4
Some of you know me already as I have been gaming for a few years now and I have played with some of you in the past.
I was with FoW for 3 years but due to some conficts I have decided to start my own clan. And have had the chance to catch up with ESC Mik in the last couple weeks and thought I better get my butt over here and say hello and happy holidays and hope we can get together soon and have a scrim :)

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Happy holidays to you also! Best wishes and good luck with the new clan! :cheers:
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Hey Femme great to see you. DO you have a website for the new clan?
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Been a looooooooong time since I'd seen that name from back in the PSI days. Glad to see you're still around and doing fine. Any chance you've talked to Daisy or Darfy? haven't seen them in awhile either. :cheers:
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thanks guys and yes we do rose its www.fight4honor.com and no i have not seen either daisy or darfy for quite sometime , i have seen zoo and ossa and a couple others so thats been a blast to p[lay with them again and of course we saw a few of you guys during the g13 tourney awhile ago :)
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Hello Femme Nice to meet you ... Hope to see more of you in game.
If you are not dieing you are not playing
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FEEEE MEEEEEE!!!! :D Good to see ya! :hugs:
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femme fatal? hello :mrgreen:

wow good to see some old familiar names pop up now and again. nice to see ya :mrgreen:
Posts: 1054
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Ok, I lied. I remember seeing you at the [G13] tournament :mrgreen:
Didn't think you'd recognize me though without the 'Undead' part
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