Another GPU fried

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I would say its odd to fry a processor. do you have any surge protection? is it plugged into the same outlet as your fridge that was made in 1952? are you buying cheap off-brand parts?
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no when the phemon ii x4 fried it was because I had it overclocked to 3.9ghz in a cheap ASUS board, I called ASUS and talked to a tech for about 2 hours trying to figure out what happend and he told me that I should of flashed the bios because apparently the motherboard didn't fully support the cpu as the bios I was currently using only supported a 95w cpu and I had a 125w cpu in there but it was strange because when i booted up the pc it never told me that it wasn't supported like it did when i had my current cpu inside another asus board that i gave to a friend along with a athlon ii x2, I have no clue what could of happend when it fried I was doing my anaual cleaning with my trusty tooth brush and I put everything back together and I couldnt even get it to post, took both to a pc shop and they tested both and both the cpu and motherboard were fried. So there was nothing i could do but get a new cpu and mobo, and no I do not have my pc pluged into a old power strip I got it from best buy for about 60$ about 2 years ago, but my power does go out allot because women in my house like to run the microwave and blow dry there hair at the same time very frequently ^__^ but I dont think thats the problem since the panel in my house was well wired and before I moved in they redid all the electric because the house I live in is in a historic part of my city and its pretty old. So no I have no clue why the cpu would fry besides what the ASUS tech told me and it makes even more sense that it would do that when I had it overclocked about 25% from its stock speed. guess the motherborad tried using all four cores at its full power and POP.

Oh and lane I called AMD earlier today and talked to a tech and he told me that it is unlikely that the card is fixable, I told him what capacitor blew and where it was located on the PCB and what not and he told me that is had something to do with the ram controller or something I didnt understand, don't know if he was just giving me the reach around or what but I trust AMD and they haven't lead me a stray before. also figured out it would cost a little over 25 bucks to send you the card through USP since the card is very heavy with the heat sink on it

thats the card I have and its quite big for a mediocre card about 13 inches long and weights about 3.5 pounds so yea I am just going to chuck it in the pile of old fried PC parts until I can find a place to recycle them. (got allot of old parts to recycle)
I'am Ergo Proxy and I'am the agent of death
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