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i was wondering if maybe we could run our obscurity mod again for awhile on a server i miss it and the only server i can find with peeps in it is over seas somewhere and i have the shitiest ping ever (like and anubis ping :twisted: ). So if it isnt a big deal can i get it put on for awhile and also can someone find me that guide for it we had
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We can run it whenever you want, it's all setup on server6.

This is a link to the guide that Darfy made: viewtopic.php?f=58&t=8211
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That mod gives me the creepy crawlies
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PIMP anytime you want to play Obscurity, let me know. I really enjoy playing it. I don't know how to find on server 6. Is there a IP address I could use?
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Termite wrote:PIMP anytime you want to play Obscurity, let me know. I really enjoy playing it. I don't know how to find on server 6. Is there a IP address I could use?
{ESC} Server 6, IP:
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we change the mod on there from time to time Termite,,right now it has zombies on it, cause it does not run any pbbans or punbuster so you can play on there for now!!
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Pimp like to sneak around unseen and demo his "slice and dice."
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