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So, as some of you already know, I've been 'in the market' for a new PC....I've been doing a bunch of research on CPU's and GPU's(combinations)...Motherboard specs, expandable PCI-E slots for GB of ram, and so on...I had initially had made my decision, to go with this:

http://www.bestbuy.com/site/iBUYPOWER+- ... ifications

I had already paid for it, and it is in the process of being shipped...which disappointed me. WHY?....I wont 'receive' it for another 7 days...Its a decent pc, for sure...as it WOULD handle 'everything' I threw at it, but I want a new PC 'yesterday', lol.
I went online last night and saw something from Micro Center, I liked much better than the PC I just purchased from Best Buy.

http://www.microcenter.com/product/4152 ... p_Computer

Can you say, "HOLY SH*T'!...It has just been offered 2 days after I bought something I 'thought' I wanted...
As it 'stands', right now...I just canceled my order from Best Buy, and I'm picking this ' insane' PC Friday, as the store has this thing 'in stock'... So..instead of waiting,I'll be joining you all on the battlefield ALOT sooner, and with a really great PC, that wont be outdated in the next 5 years...lol....Really, this change is a 'no-brainer'...Anyone who knows anything about 'specs'. will see that I'm not just coming to 'play'....I'm coming to kill everything!!!lol...Wish me luck, there are 6 left in the store!
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This is good new indeed, make sure you are in time for the XI scrim training ;P!
Very good to know you'll be with us again so soon!! I'll keep my fingers crossed that not many people come to pick one up!
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you could of saved money by building this your self and with better parts but I get why you did it so its W.E! I just hope it boots when you get it, and when you do pick it up you should get a better Power Supply when your there, like a corsair 600w, they are only about 75 bucks right now. its just Ive never herd of that brand and its only a 500w, which is really low for a 660ti, I7, and 16 gb of ram and you risk blowing the whole rig with it and you wont have to deal with those ugly ass cords as the Corsair has wrapped cabling. and it will without a doubt last much longer than the PSU thats in there now. plus the corsair 600w is a modular PSU so you can take off the cables that you dont use, I would also get a better CPU cooler, Maybe like a hydro H60 performance series from corsair, which is one of the best/cheapest liquid cooling setups you can get as its only 80 bucks or you can just get a nice coolermaster Hyper N 520 from newegg later or for only 30. beast of a cooler as it has 2 120 mm fans and a full polished copper heat sink. its what I use to have in my desktop and it brough temps down by about 65% from the stock cooler I had on it. But anyways good luck with the rig.

see you in bf3 buddy! ^____^
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{ESC}ErgoProxy wrote:you could of saved money by building this your self and with better parts but I get why you did it so its W.E! I just hope it boots when you get it, and when you do pick it up you should get a better Power Supply when your there, like a corsair 600w, they are only about 75 bucks right now. its just Ive never herd of that brand and its only a 500w, which is really low for a 660ti, I7, and 16 gb of ram and you risk blowing the whole rig with it and you wont have to deal with those ugly ass cords as the Corsair has wrapped cabling. and it will without a doubt last much longer than the PSU thats in there now. plus the corsair 600w is a modular PSU so you can take off the cables that you dont use, I would also get a better CPU cooler, Maybe like a hydro H60 performance series from corsair, which is one of the best/cheapest liquid cooling setups you can get as its only 80 bucks or you can just get a nice coolermaster Hyper N 520 from newegg later or for only 30. beast of a cooler as it has 2 120 mm fans and a full polished copper heat sink. its what I use to have in my desktop and it brough temps down by about 65% from the stock cooler I had on it. But anyways good luck with the rig.

see you in bf3 buddy! ^____^

This is why I said; no people from the sales unit on the forums!
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Nice looking system HvyMtlRulz :fyeah:

I hope your very happy :yahoo:
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yes hvy why you dont ask Lane he seel pc amaybe he cna build one best for you or is to late anyway great machine1
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Thank you 'everyone', for responding..I'm glad that ,I'm 'getting my money back , on the Best Buy PC , and I reserved the "better" i7 4770...KEY WORD, 'reserved'...the PC from MicroCenter....I haven't bought it yet...Like I stated earlier, I'm in the market. I AM more than willing to buy all the parts to build a 'better' computer, and I'd really like to hear ANY input, as to whats the 'best' I can get in a PC I can build myself...for "$1400".<<<That's my cash limit...

:iagree: {ESC}ErgoProxy wrote:you could of saved money by building this your self and with better parts but I get why you did it so its W.E! I just hope it boots when you get it, and when you do pick it up you should get a better Power Supply when your there, like a corsair 600w, they are only about 75 bucks right now. its just Ive never herd of that brand and its only a 500w, which is really low for a 660ti, I7, and 16 gb of ram and you risk blowing the whole rig with it and you wont have to deal with those ugly ass cords as the Corsair has wrapped cabling. and it will without a doubt last much longer than the PSU thats in there now. plus the corsair 600w is a modular PSU so you can take off the cables that you dont use, I would also get a better CPU cooler, Maybe like a hydro H60 performance series from corsair, which is one of the best/cheapest liquid cooling setups you can get as its only 80 bucks or you can just get a nice coolermaster Hyper N 520 from newegg later or for only 30. beast of a cooler as it has 2 120 mm fans and a full polished copper heat sink. its what I use to have in my desktop and it brought temps down by about 65% from the stock cooler I had on it. But anyways good luck with the rig.

I had every intention of changing the PSU immediately ,to something with more power.."POWER" is everything to a PC of the "previous kind" I was about to buy. "Cooling", is something else I have been considering/researching, other than power. Hence , my comparisons, and believe me, I've been 'LOOKING', but most of all, 'understanding'.

{ESC}Lane wrote:::
Excellent. You decided to move forward with the 4th gen Intel processors. You will see an improvement in speed over the other system. Great choice!!! Only wish I could have built it for you.

YES , Lane, I've been reading alot about the 'Haswell' processors,and from what I understand, it's the best on the market. Not necessarily the 4770k, but A 'Haswell' in general, paired up with an 'equally as powerful' GPU/motherboard, the 'right combination', so to speak, would provide 'one' with a great gaming experience....and THAT, is what I'm after. I chose the 4770k and the GTX660Ti AMP, because that's what comes with the computer, for $1400, along with all the 'other' specs. (2TB 7200 hd/ 120G SSD/ 16 Gb 1600...'NOT' 1333MHz RAM) Licenses for Windows 7 and 8/ built in Network card..

Speaking of RAM, have you guys seen this?


'LOOKS' pretty 'cool'...no pun intended' as, from what I've also read, Kingston RAM runs cooler than most other RAM on the market, other than 'Corsair' or 'Crucial'.
Getting back to the subject at hand, if 'you' guys can possibly help me, with purchasing parts 'better' than the PC with all it's options, I WAS going to buy from Micro Center, something I can 'build at home', for $1400....
.BY ALL MEANS...HELP A BROTHER OUT!!!!l lol I would most sincerely appreciate ALL the suggestions/input you guys can provide me. It doesn't have to look pretty, but it has to be the BEST PC/parts I can buy for the money....It doesn't matter if its Windows 7 or 8..or does it?..'Cooling' ,'processor speed', 'GPU speed', 'memory' ,'wattage', 'HD capacity', are more important to me, in the long run..So, 'in a sense', we can STILL build this PC 'together'...(Hint-hint LANE :D :cheers: )
Again, Thank you
(YOU GUYS ROCK!!!) to everyone responding, ahead of time, for the well wishes and advice, and basically, for 'looking out' for me. I really want this to be the best PC I've ever played on, one that 'can hang' with every game out there, now, and in the next 5years, at least!...lol .. The 'sooner' I receive your replies, the faster I'll be 'up and running' with all of you, so please, feed me input, as soon as you can...Remember, $1400 is my limit LOL.:fyeah: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:
"You can run, but you'll only die tired."
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