Preparing the next 3v3, need some feedback

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3 vs 3
4 vs 4
5 vs 5
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Starting September I want the start planning the 3rd anual {ESC} 3v3 tournament. However I have one big question I just can't seem to awnser. Now a tournament is fun when you have exciting matches. However, by taking teams it is often seen that the top players bunch up on a few teams, and those teams are competing for the so wanted 1st place.

Some of you may already see the paradox here. Best players teaming up takes the excitiment out of the fullest ranks of the competition. So I was thinking to switch it up this year, and letting everyone throw their name in the hat, together with available times. And then assign teams (I will need some help with this part, to prevent bias and putting Buzz on a team by himself) based on that. How do you all feel about this?

And if we so choose to assign team, how will we deal with teams from other clans that want to sign up? Since they will most likely want to play as a team with their own friends, this might complicate things.

It's a question I've been struggeling with for a bit. And feedback and ideas would be greatly appretiated!
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I personally do not pick teams based on skill level....I mean I teamed up with Buzz last time which proves that :o :o

I dont like the idea of being placed on a team not because of skill more because the players that I get matched up with might not show.

Also this is all for fun so if 3 great players want to join forces so be it... it is only a game and I will have a blast trying to beat them. :D :D

But one thing that I did not like last time was the fact that there should be no points once you make it to the playoff rounds. I didnt like the idea of 2nd place team coming out on top just because they had more points during the regular rounds. I think the points should just determine who you play first during playoffs but then it goes by elimination from there just my thoughts....
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May as well call it "The Casual 3v3." For me it takes away the competitiveness, the fun part was trying to figure out which people could perform to win the tourney. Making it to the end just makes it that much sweeter. - I'd rather have the choice of who's on my team than get stuck with one I don't want to be on.

If you need any help with setting up, let me know, Bas.

I'll see if I can come up with anything for the point system, Legolas. But then again as for the bracket, we can't really do anything until we know how many teams are going to be signed up.
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Im not in for that.. Buzz COULD be on my team.. and he is WAY to competitive for me. :fight1:

IF i play, i think will be with same team as last year Vampie burns and Vet. All for the fun.!

I don't care who wins, but we DO try!

I think that is what counts in 3vs3, but that is my personal opinion.

How did 3 vs 3 star anyways? MiKZz idea ? cant we make it 5 vs 5?
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Bass' idea! And Mikzz execution
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I'd rather have the choice of who's on my team than get stuck with one I don't want to be on.<<<<<<YEAH...because last tourney, i tried to play ..with people from another clan ,.who didnt even bother to show up! So forget that idea, at least with me...I'll play with least I know he will 'be there!!' I dont care WHO I play with but if they're NOT {ESC}, I'm NOT on that team.Skill level is secondary. 5 v 5 might be more fun, just a suggestion. Bigger team , means no one gets 'left out'
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i dont like hat idea , but i also maybe dont be on any team i dont play more and i only can play for a few mminutes maybe 4 or 5 so no amony for this match heheh but still is better you can chose with whom you fight
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Okay so we will hold on to the team sign-ups I suppose, as for the 3v3/5v5 question, in the original idea the team sizes were varied, and we settled on 3v3 because it would allow for the most flexibility. Anyways I want to add a poll, however I cant go back to the original post to add a poll, and it will be rather confusing to add create another topic just for the poll, so if a forum admin could help me out! :P
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as much as i want to chose my own team nobody would like to have such a noob like me ;P

As for the question 3v3 or 5v5, I prefer 3v3 by a long shot!
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I'll put you on my reserve list Kathia, and if its 5 vs 5 you can be number 4.

No one gets left out in {ESC} even a Noob like you! :hugs:
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