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Re: away

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 6:32 pm
by {ESC}Amoniac
i hope you get on track son sir rememebr we are here for you sir

Re: away

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 7:37 pm
by Admin
yes dont ever think life is thsat bad,,there is always good in your life,!!

Re: away

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 8:36 pm
by {ESC}Amoniac
Lets see in perspective your situation, and i dont want to compare with other lifes but remember whatever you have being living is not as bad as other people and not everybody have the strength to get over that situation only you can.

if you think life is bad lets see maybe i can say a Word about it.
what you say if you have kids but you can not play outside with them , lets say what if you live most of your life for about 20 years sitting or in bed bc your lungs dont work.
well you can say life is bad you can blame the entire world but i know one thing that maybe you dont see is that you have GREAT HEART, HEALTH , FRIENDS VIRTUALS AND NON, YOU CAN BREATH WALK AND GET OVER WHATEVER LIFE PUT IN YOUR PATH BC YOU ARE YOU AND NO ONE CAN DEFEAT FRELANCER NO ONE CAN MAKE YOU ANY MORE BAD unless you want that happend so please see the good in you and fight is not simple life is not simple but life is not to be alone so we are here if you need soemone to tlak and maybe you want to talk to me just let me know or anyone in here sir please dont be alone!

Re: away

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 10:56 am
by {ESC}Master
tace care :)

Re: away

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 4:04 pm
by {ESC}fReeLaNceR
update 10-18-2013

my lawjer already sucked 5 grand from my pocket, but the trough is he didnt get me anything yet.
my wife in devorce (WID), is still using the german law to keep me away from my son and wecll meet the at court on 10-31-2013.
Also WID moved to an unkown residence, while takin my son with her.

now the good news. ikk be back soon. just have to return my comp from my dads home, where I stored it for safety reasons.

Luv all of ya. 10000000 x thx for your support.

Re: away

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 4:19 pm
by {ESC}fReeLaNceR
Amoni: Thx a lot. i really apriciate how you are 4rying to support me. there are things you need to handle on your own. i got me a good psycatric support with a very comfi couch to lay on.

is this your own experience you mentioned? I´m so sorry. Wasn´t aware of your situation.

Re: away

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 4:23 pm
by Admin
well you sound like your on the right path,,take care of yourself,

Re: away

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 11:57 am
by {ESC}fReeLaNceR
tomorow is court day.
my stumak feels like mike is using me as his punchingsack. i´m so freaking scared.

one good thing I can tell... I was never a religious person... but after I´ve seen all this crutial, unhuman behavior of my wife. after I´ve realised this corrupt and totaly unreliable peace of so called society I´m living in, during the last two month. A society where the greater good for all human beeings, the relationship between men and woman, the traditional marriage worth a s**t, Ive decided to join the catholic church and stand up for the values of christ. Shall the lord punish the liberals.


p.s. i´m an idioit cause i still love my wife. over and out!

Re: away

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 1:34 pm
by Admin
ppl are a very wierd breed,,lolol you are not alone in still loving your wife,,a friend os mine just found her fiancee with another woman,,i said kick his ass out,,dont put up with that, she love him,,he treets her like crap,,never never let someone walk all over you like that,,no matter who they are,,they dont respect you to treat you like crap...lolol,,,,my 2 cents!!

i know i can say anything and it does nto matter you still will feel bad,,hopefully the day will go fast for you and not be too bad,,thinking of you my friend,,dont forget there is another day, and your son will be there for you!!

Re: away

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 2:09 pm
by {ESC}fReeLaNceR
thx rose!
the other day will be tomorow.

In front of the family court fighting for my sons child custody. After all she did I offered her the half of the custody, because I believe my son deserves both parent. She rejected the offer. Don´t want me to be 50% of his life. Now it´s "the winner takes it all", better to say my son has the chance to raise up with his dad, lots of love and integrety.

may the judge has good night and the ability to see tings right tomorow.

wish me all the luck you can, cause sweet Patrick-Elias is my other day...