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Re: Big Brother

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 2:37 am
by LordGleedo
{DMF}Raptor wrote:
{ESC}ZeroCool wrote:...BattleStar...
BSG... Fracking best show on TV :cheers:
Frack Yeah! Good to see ya dropping by Raptor :cheers: :mrgreen:

Re: Big Brother

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 8:29 am
by {ESC}Chris
Frack Yeah! Good to see ya dropping by Raptor :cheers: :mrgreen:
:iagree: nice to see ya droping by

also BB is :bs: muhaha its full of mostly idoits that act like dick heads on national tv

Re: Big Brother

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 11:41 am
by {ESC}Mikey
Thank you AsToRoth for putting it so politically correct :) :owned:

Re: Big Brother

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 12:32 pm
by AsToRoTh
{ESC}ZeroCool wrote:LOL Dont hold back Asto, tell us what you really think!

I totaly agree by the way :iagree:

You sure you want me to not hold back and tell you what I really think of BB??? Trust me.. that was toned down LoL.... did I mention I have anger management issues btw?

Oh and yeah... well spotted Rosie... I did indeed watch the first two series LoL. Tbh they wernt too bad as I said. You know whats worse than BB tho???? The after shock.. bloody Chanelle Hayes (or w/e the TALENTLESS NOBODY is called) is still on TV now... and the stupid black chick (Alison?) still has her face on This Morning as a roving reporter Lmfao. Nope IMO BB should be done the way it was done on Doctor Who..... you get evicted... you get frazzled... then it would be worth watching the eviction night. BB ejected the best character they ever had when they turfed out the gobby Mancunian Emma a few series ago cos she had a huge kick off with some numpty gangsta wannabe. (so the gf tells me hehe).

Oh and Mikey.. dont even get me started on political correctness.... red rag to a bull that m8 ;)

Re: Big Brother

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 8:14 pm
by {ESC}Mikey
LOL sure buddy. sorry to bring it up he he he

Re: Big Brother

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 8:32 pm
by {ESC}Lager
So Asto when you gonna start your "political correctness" thread? LMAO !!!

Rant on !!!!

Re: Big Brother

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 6:45 am
by {ESC}Mikey
LOL ... I detect some egging you on AsToRoth :)

Re: Big Brother

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 7:05 am
by LordGleedo
{ESC}Mikey wrote:LOL ... I detect some egging you on AsToRoth :)
Peeps for manchester require no egging on.

They are all permanently in a state of anger i tells ya!

Possibly due to Lancashire County Cricket Clubs woeful start to the championship season :(

Re: Big Brother

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 12:45 pm
by AsToRoTh
Lmfao... your sorta right there m8.... we dont require much provoking LoL.... although if you ever come up here you will also find us to be amongst the most laid back ppl in Britain.. although thats probably more to do with the weed than ppls attitudes LoL.
Speaking personally Ive had people describe me as so laid back Im almost horizontal... then had the same people describe me as a timebomb stuck on 1second... alls it takes is a push of the right button and BOOM!

Oh... and if you guys really want a long rant (probably never ending) I probably should start a joint topic on the UK governments immigration policies and political correctness LoL. I have genuinely considered either becoming an anti government activist (anarchist ;) ) or starting my own party.... only thing is Im too stoned to be bothered with the first... and too skint to seriously contemplate the second.

Less said about the cricket... the better ;)

Re: Big Brother

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 1:36 pm
by LordGleedo
AsToRoTh wrote:Oh... and if you guys really want a long rant (probably never ending) I probably should start a joint topic on the UK governments immigration policies and political correctness LoL. I have genuinely considered either becoming an anti government activist (anarchist ;) ) or starting my own party.... only thing is Im too stoned to be bothered with the first... and too skint to seriously contemplate the second.
When you get into power, can you please cut fuel costs please :1st: