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Re: {ESC}BamBam (JJ)

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2024 2:23 pm
by {ESC}Hawkeye
its been a couple of weeks since BamBam passing, im still trying deal with what to say and how i feel. Over the years we have lost so many good friends/members that have become very close to us and each time it never gets any easier. You would think someone like myself who deals in Crime scene clean up that i would be use to death, im not. Mainly for those that we have draw close to in this small world we call our gaming family. BamBam was my age so i guess that's why its been a little harder for me to post my thoughts on his passing. No matter how good out health may be or how well we think things are going, who are we to know what tomorrow will bring? I say this, enjoy every moment, create new memories with your family and friends and if you have old friends that you haven't talked to in a while because of some reason or difference, put that aside, swallow your pride or in some cases just make a little time to reach out and say we was thinking of you.. So i say this to All of my friends from UT99 till now i love you guys and do stay well and drop in and say hello sometime...RIP old friend you will be remembered