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Re: |EVO| is no more.

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 6:03 pm
by Admin
Yes I am still waiting,,,hehehehehe!!!!!

Re: |EVO| is no more.

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 6:25 pm
by AsToRoTh
{ESC}Lager wrote:Hey Astro
If you want any of those maps put on our server for testing, just let me know.
I'd be happy to help.
Sweet :) Although tbh at least for the first beta you would be better offline testing just to make sure there are no glitches or missing meshes that I may have neglected to import into the map. But yeah for Beta2 or even RC1 defo put em on the server. I know one of the main factors in doing a remake of unholy was the experience of playing it online... seemed a hell of a lot tighter when playing with real players rather than dumbass bots LoL.

Re: |EVO| is no more.

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 11:22 am
by {ESC}Mikey
Sweet AsToRoth can't wait to get to play in it :) :map:

Re: |EVO| is no more.

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 11:25 am
by AsToRoTh
k.. hopefully I should have zoneportals done on Unholy at some point this week.. then its just a case of seeing how it plays. Got a couple of things to add to sniper school but not much more.. tbh Im not happy with it... it looks nice and all I just think its too open for R&G and tbh I dont think theres enough camping spots to make it useable for more than say 4 players as a sniper map. Still, when its "finished" Ill get it uploaded to filefront and post a link to it here.

Re: |EVO| is no more.

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 12:19 pm
by {ESC}Lager
Sounds good, just let us know when your ready mate.

You might want to start a new thread in the UT04 section for your maps.

Re: |EVO| is no more.

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 1:54 pm
by Toonstryder
Ha all, Hope you guys are ok....

Yeah it was a damn shame about EVO....First we lost our servers, when the box screwed up, and now the webbie....Think i was the 5th or 6th member, joined after |EVO|
Shame this community has lost such a great clan, and some awsome players and great friends....

In reguard to maps, myself, Asto and Sprocket created some great if you wish to use any of them on your servers, to keep them alive, give me a holla.
I also was in the middle of producing a series of Battlestar Galactica maps. Now Complete...also Backyard map which i think i posted on the Wateringhole.

Full selection of my maps are on Filefront

Re: |EVO| is no more.

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 2:18 pm
by LordGleedo
Wow, thats a lot of maps to check out - many fracking thanks Toony :fyeah:

Re: |EVO| is no more.

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 2:26 pm
by Toonstryder
No Problem, Most of them where made for Zark Deathmatch gaming, but some great some of you may have played on the EVO servers or in the EVO tournies we ran....

If anyone wants to use any meshes my i worked hard on some of those Galactica Smeshes...

Re: |EVO| is no more.

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 2:51 pm
by LordGleedo
Toonstryder wrote:If anyone wants to use any meshes my i worked hard on some of those Galactica Smeshes...
Yep, they look really good matey - im very impressed :10:

Re: |EVO| is no more.

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 9:11 am
by AsToRoTh
Yeah great work Toon. I actually started compiling some screenshots of the EVO maps last night to get em all uploaded to my filefront account.... got bored about half way through tho LoL. Ill get it sorted and post a new topic with shots as and when I get around to it. For a change Im actually concentrating on mapping rather than playing golf atm.