Worried about Obamacare..........

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Feral Midget
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{ESC}UDClown wrote:hes not going to get Obamacare durring this term (even though he said he would), hes going to wait until the presidential election and 'use' this as his way into a 2nd term. which personally (Hence im 18 now) I'm not voting for him... he hasnt done much because he can't get people in the gov on his side, so he probably won't get much done in the 2nd term either. He's talked all this stuff about getting things done right... but not one of them have gone through. Just my honest opinion.

You're right about that, but that happens to every President when Congress is controlled by the opposite party. If you want to see real change the ony way to ensure that is to make sure the Presidency and Congress are controlled by the same party.
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