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Re: {ESC} 3v3 Tourney - 2nd Edition

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 12:46 pm
by ManicK
i think all team members must record games, and spec well its up to them. If some one wanted to they could get all files and make a video for your clan. With every one recording you could show kills from both sides, ie, person getting shot, person shooting for kill, could make a very good action movie.

Re: {ESC} 3v3 Tourney - 2nd Edition

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 12:56 pm
by MikZzona
ManicK wrote:i think all team members must record games, and spec well its up to them. If some one wanted to they could get all files and make a video for your clan. With every one recording you could show kills from both sides, ie, person getting shot, person shooting for kill, could make a very good action movie.
Sure that could be quite awesome...! But having players recording the games would hurt their gaming, with all the additional lag. If some players could probably do it and not notice any change in their game performance, this is probably not the case for all 9 players involved.
Still, I love your idea and maybe we can make it work by having spectators record the game in this way -each watching a player. Considering there are 6 players in each game, it would be good to have a few people looking at the match from above -or in third person view anyway... Hmmm.

Re: {ESC} 3v3 Tourney - 2nd Edition

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 5:22 pm
by ManicK
{ESC}MikZzona wrote:
ManicK wrote:i think all team members must record games, and spec well its up to them. If some one wanted to they could get all files and make a video for your clan. With every one recording you could show kills from both sides, ie, person getting shot, person shooting for kill, could make a very good action movie.
Sure that could be quite awesome...! But having players recording the games would hurt their gaming, with all the additional lag. If some players could probably do it and not notice any change in their game performance, this is probably not the case for all 9 players involved.
Still, I love your idea and maybe we can make it work by having spectators record the game in this way -each watching a player. Considering there are 6 players in each game, it would be good to have a few people looking at the match from above -or in third person view anyway... Hmmm.

In game recording has no effect on lag, or it dident last time i recorded, but that was on cod2!!! i will try tonight and see.

Re: {ESC} 3v3 Tourney - 2nd Edition

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 6:46 am
by MikZzona
Ingame recording? I thought that was good for demos but not for long recordings like here.. ? Otherwise xFire or Fraps are alternatives but well I always had some additional lag when I tried it. Could be because of my bad connection though, people with good Internet connections might not have that kind of issue indeed.

Re: {ESC} 3v3 Tourney - 2nd Edition

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 11:45 am
by {ESC}UDClown
Anyone with meh internet trying to record with xfire, will lag. (however if you are spectating it would not matter) another thing with xfire is it sometimes does not record the sound - so you may have some with/without sound. However, I think you can change that in the recording options.

Love the idea of recording each person individually, but it will suck for those recording - being stuck with one person. lol
But I guess in the end, if everything works out. It would be well worth it.

Re: {ESC} 3v3 Tourney - 2nd Edition

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 1:22 pm
by ManicK
Use the cod record, bring down console type /record, has no effect on ping or game play. This is how most leagues do it, for reasons of cheating, if there is a problem they request all videos for proof either way. I can see how x-fire and others programs will give lag as it is trying to record behind game useing bandwidth to stream it back to the program.

Re: {ESC} 3v3 Tourney - 2nd Edition

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 3:14 pm
by {ESC}UDClown
ManicK wrote:Use the cod record, bring down console type /record, has no effect on ping or game play. This is how most leagues do it, for reasons of cheating, if there is a problem they request all videos for proof either way. I can see how x-fire and others programs will give lag as it is trying to record behind game useing bandwidth to stream it back to the program.
My FPS drops randomly to 20 FPS every minute or so, even without recording.(60 fps is on the edge of bad on my PC, I average 70-80 excluding the drops // with the drops I average 38)
Someone else would have to record for me...

Re: {ESC} 3v3 Tourney - 2nd Edition

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 5:55 pm
by ManicK
{ESC}UDClown wrote:
ManicK wrote:Use the cod record, bring down console type /record, has no effect on ping or game play. This is how most leagues do it, for reasons of cheating, if there is a problem they request all videos for proof either way. I can see how x-fire and others programs will give lag as it is trying to record behind game useing bandwidth to stream it back to the program.
My FPS drops randomly to 20 FPS every minute or so, even without recording.(60 fps is on the edge of bad on my PC, I average 70-80 excluding the drops // with the drops I average 38)
Someone else would have to record for me...

LOL, buy a new pc. Wow i dont see how you could play with a crap spec system, get with the times and buy a new or newer pc to play on. I love my constant 125 fps, and still looking to add another gfx-card for sli, oh and more ram. By the finals i might be on 2 cards and 8gb ram, have to see how much its going to be.

Clown i found your phone. ... ,s:0,i:178

is this your car?

Re: {ESC} 3v3 Tourney - 2nd Edition

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 8:36 am
by Buzz
There seem to be some members who feel I have been too expressive in my love for this game and the players who endeavour to challenge my team.



I don’t need to be told twice.

Re: {ESC} 3v3 Tourney - 2nd Edition

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 8:43 am
by Buzz
I will just say this...

It will be a sad day when a man and his troops cant saver the sweet, sweet taste of success by coming to a place like this, where they know there fellow solders frequent (present company excepted Rose - you little sweetie you), to share with them those glorious and virtues conquests.

You see I don’t just come here for me! I come here for LOCKnLOAD, Wabbit, Fngator, The_Gipper, SenzeI, KiN, Angelina, ZeWolf5, Baron R jake:p, Crazy Al, Gibbleguts so they can share in this glory, and it is for these solders, AurA, LynX, HworanG, Burns, Vet, Vampie, BlackRose, CI_CYCO, killinstar, that I keep coming back, again and again, win after win to show them what can be achieved with a little disciplined, a little determination. To show them what is possible If you can leave your childhood demon’s behind Manick, To show them that if you can recognise a leader of men and except that leadership willingly, knowing that by this acceptance you will get your own chance to shine, to succeed, life can be good.

And dam it, it is for all these reasons I will return. So that those solders can experience what victory looks like. A type of victory that most of them wont experience in their lifetime (Sorry Vimo, but its time you accepted this truth). But a victory that through me (and my team), for one brief moment, can be their victory to, and in that one, brief moment, they can experience what might have been.

But if I have gone too far, if I over stepped the mark. Then for now I will say no more than to wish the remaining teams well in the finals.

I could never be prouder of my men than I am right now, nor of those we are about to topple

Love Q