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Re: Call of Duty Ghosts

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 10:36 pm
by Gothic
{ESC}Tater-Salad wrote:Give them some credit Snowie those 6v6 are for the X-Box players..............PC is 9 v 9 LOL BIG difference hahahahaha
Not to be mean, but I read a lot about pc games, beyond unreal, bashandslash and a lot more. If it wasn't for unreal tourname these games would not be here. I will never pay a dollar for cod game that charges for boring dlc maps. sorry, Don't mean to rant, but when they come back to cod4 freeze tag, ask them why :lol: :lol:

Re: Call of Duty Ghosts

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 4:02 am
by {ESC}Bunny
Well guys, after about 6 or 7 hours at this game, here's my initial review. After all the hype and billions and billions of dollars spent on making this game, it still has a bunch of bugs. For many players including myself, the menu screen is so laggy and choppy that it's almost impossible to modify your classes during intermission between games. My system can easily handle this game so it's not a hardware issue. This also affects the audio and lobby chat. Once in game, the lag disappears.
Then there are the occasional perk glitches where you either get stuck or your gun won't come back out till someone kills you. The mechanics and graphics have obviously been dumbed down since we all know console gamers take precedence over pc gamers. It looks and even plays like a game that's been made 4 years ago in my opinion. The single player mode does look pretty good though.
What i do like about the game is the size and design of the maps. It gives you plenty of space for sniping but small enough to run and gun. Quite a few places to hide. The search and rescue mode is quite fun as it's kind of similar to freeze tag: once your team mate gets killed they leave tags. If you can recover their tags, they get to respawn. If the enemy gets it, they die permanently till the next round.
Customization of your soldiers are very limited so far. I won't comment too much on it since I've barely unlocked anything in the game yet, including weapons. Oh speaking of which, the sound of weapons sound like CRAP! I feel like i'm playing a bad western movie FPS game. Seriously, I can't think of any FPS games before this that sounded this bad.
Overall, I guess this is what happens when all the original members of Infinity Ward leaves the company. I think out of that 900 million dollars they spent on the game, $899,999,999 went into advertising. I feel like they took an old shell of a once awesome game and gave it to some high school programmers to "freshen up" the the very same manner in which a mortician puts make up on a corpse so they don't look so dead. If I had a choice to turn back time...I probably would've bought BF4. But hey, who knows?...maybe tomorrow I'll like the game?

Re: Call of Duty Ghosts

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 11:25 am
by {ESC}UDClown
Oh, and don't forget changing your FOV is a bannable offense on PC nowadays :roll:

Re: Call of Duty Ghosts

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 11:41 am
by =|Vampie|NL|=
really? i have fov 80 .. so that's abad thing?

or only on tournaments? shouldn't PB check this? its check's Yawspeed and r_lodScaleRigid stuff too ?

Re: Call of Duty Ghosts

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 11:55 am
by {ESC}Tater-Salad
I hope they fix the game for you Bunny. It seems that all games now use the first purchasers as bug finders. BF4 had/has some issues but they are slowly but surely fixing them.

p.s. Titanfall comes out soon. Made by one of the co-founders of COD. Look at the videos they are incredible!!

Re: Call of Duty Ghosts

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 11:59 am
by {ESC}UDClown
The creator of the Call of Duty: Ghosts field of view changer application has been issued a cease & desist order by Activision.

Ghosts‘ FOV is locked at 65 on PC — a narrow range for gamers who have been accustomed to FOVs twice as wide — and the fourDeltaOne community responded to player demand by providing a fix. The Fovely FOV changer only worked in multiplayer mode, meaning the cinematography of singleplayer campaign sequences would remain unaffected.

Following alleged legal pressure by Activision, fourDeltaOne has taken down the download link “due to a friendly threat from everyone’s favorite publishing firm.” A fourDeltaOne representative reports that the cease & desist was issued on the grounds of the community distributing files used by the game’s updater to verify a game installation — which he asserts to be false. A message on the fourDeltaOne website reads:

“They’re at it again. Seeing a court order I received earlier in September, on request of Activision a local court ordered me to take down ‘any CoD content’ – which somehow seems to include temporary files used by the updater to ‘verify’ a game installation. Since receiving the court order, I have contacted a local law firm which is still in the process of going over the case, however, today I received an e-mail containing a letter (German, page 2), claiming that other projects are also infringing this court order.

“Although I’m still standing by my point that these titles do not contain any Activision files (and therefore I am not ‘providing (part of) the games’), I have taken them offline pending further investigation as a precaution.

“Indeed, this means you can not play at this time – do not complain, it’s Activision whining again.”

When posting the download original link, fourDeltaOne admin NTAuthority warned users the fix could potentially trip anti-cheat systems, but that developer Infinity Ward has never come down hard on FOV changers in the past. He wrote:

“Again, the safety of this tool can not be guaranteed, but typically IW has been pretty lenient towards FOV changers for their titles.”

Oh, Activision. This is how you treat people to try to fix your game?
The question still remains if users who have used the program have been banned, however there are rumors.

Re: Call of Duty Ghosts

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 4:26 pm
by {ESC}ErgoProxy
I pre ordered it as well, my name is ErgoProxy and I have a picture of buddy Christ. ^___^ hit me up on steam and we can party up sometime, I enjoy the game but it was a little buggy the first day, but totally playable.

Re: Call of Duty Ghosts

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 6:58 pm
by {ESC}HvyMtlRulz
No..I wont be getting this game...I'd rather fly a chopper or drive a tank...BF4 is in my very near future.

Re: Call of Duty Ghosts

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 7:41 pm
by {ESC}ShoX
I just got it too. Needed a change of pace from Cod4 and Mw2. I'll hit ya up sometime Ergo once I get it going.

Re: Call of Duty Ghosts

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 12:23 pm
by Legolas
I finally played it and will give you my non biased review considering all the hype i built up before the game was released :)

The game is okay....

Thats my review even though i didnt expect much from them i wish there were still game programmers out there that are for the PC

Is it more fun than COD4 yes too me it is as COD4 is just getting old and played out too me imo. But will this game be as legendary as COD4 or SOF2 or any of the older games not a chance in hell. I will play it until the first map pack is released then probably never touch it again as I am not going to put any more money into this game than i already have.

But the different game types and all the new perks do make the game interesting more just because it is something new. Regarding Lag that is hit or miss so far for the most part i have been okay there were a couple of spikes but that is expected with these new "HYBRID DEDICATED SERVERS" which i found out what that exactly is. (it is abunch of computers with little ram and a intel pentium processor hiding in closets around the Globe and when you join they have a method called "EenyMeenyMinyMoe" that joins you to the best one :)

so all in all i dont blame you for not buying it but I still think it is a good change of pace from COD4 but will probably last a good 3 to 6 months and then I will be done.