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Re: Big Brother

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 2:50 pm
by {ESC}K.V
{ESC}ZeroCool wrote:
AsToRoTh wrote:Oh... and if you guys really want a long rant (probably never ending) I probably should start a joint topic on the UK governments immigration policies and political correctness LoL. I have genuinely considered either becoming an anti government activist (anarchist ;) ) or starting my own party.... only thing is Im too stoned to be bothered with the first... and too skint to seriously contemplate the second.
When you get into power, can you please cut fuel costs please :1st:
or better yet bring back naked fridays. I miss them.

Re: Big Brother

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 12:36 pm
by AsToRoTh
Naked Fridays, Lower taxation on Fuel,Alcohol and Tobacco. Bank Holiday every Monday to celebrate the weekend ;) Ill run the country into the ground in a fortnight ;)

Re: Big Brother

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 10:55 am
by {ESC}Mikey
Your elected AsToRoth ! :jester: