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No, Rod-a-Reaper likes it when you jump on his head when he's frozen in UT2004
As well as Terminator......right term?
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hell ya!
"Ill Be Back"
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:zoom: :chaingun: :tanks:
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SOrry I missed you guys last nite was in bed sick,,,WOrms cooked for me,,JK!!!lolol

I am not really good at hardcore, but I only played where I kept killing my own team!!!LOLOL\

Hey can u post your website and server please!!
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{ESC}BlackRose wrote: Hey can u post your website and server please!!
Its already in our COD4 Clan List ive been building up, but here it is anyways...

[BPN] Bullet Proof Nerds
http://www.bulletproofnerds.com/ - HardCore
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That IP is to THE LARGEST COD4 SERVER ON EARTH!!!!111oneone!!!1 Its a 64 slot.

Our smaller one is Its a 16 slot.

Do we want to try to scrim this weekend?

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CptainCrunch wrote: Do we want to try to scrim this weekend?
I'll see if we can get enough players at short notice Captain...

As its short notice, ive posted a poll to see if we can get enough players:

Im ok to play weekday evenings next week your time as i have that week off :)
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Yeah, Im getting a little ahead of myself. Why dont we schedule for next Saturday evening, the 30th? 8pm EST? maybe?

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CptainCrunch wrote:Yeah, Im getting a little ahead of myself. Why dont we schedule for next Saturday evening, the 30th? 8pm EST? maybe?

Yep, that could work, plus us euro trash can stay up for it too :grandpa:

I'll add it to our calendar and setup a match thread for it. I'll then post you the details etc :)

EDIT: Match thread started here
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hey wots up crunch!? thanks for tips and annoying some members of the clan and remember when dealing with a certain few esc members a few carefully placed bullets will make them ur ...... lol jus kiddin anyways see u in the game.
He likes reaper more who does he thin he is yadayaddayadda lol
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{ESC}K.V wrote:He likes reaper more who does he thin he is yadayaddayadda lol
wtf .... sometimes i wonder what you are thinking :P
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