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{ESC}Lane wrote:well, My new goal is to get as good as OCHO so people will accuse me of cheating. So far I get nothin.

OCHO, I consider it an honor when you knife me because I know how much skill it takes to do that in game. and it is so fun watching you do it. Seriously. I should record it sometime and play it back. it is like liquid motion. I have never seen anything like it. You just can not fake those moves PERIOD!!!


yea ocho, you aint no are, however, my favorite espn channel
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{ESC}Ocho wrote:ok i know i know that for a long time i have always argued that if you think im cheating then i must be doing something right. but.... there is always a but isnt? ... well let me tell you that i do get annoyed by people telling me that im a cheat. and im not talking about my friends from ESC that tell me that i hack because i know they dont mean it.(because i will come back and knife their ass if they did) but from other people that are not even familiar with the way i play... l DO NOT CHEAT. but i do not have the power to defend myself and it gets annoying to hear from people about it. :rantonoff: :rantonoff: :rantonoff: :rantonoff: :rantonoff: this is just a rant about people calling me a cheat.... not about my friends calling a cheat..... how do you know if u r my friend? well... let me tell u... are you wearing an ESC tag? have i ever nagged, played around, bitched or joked around with you? i mean have i ever??? if u have ever joked around with the ESC crowd.... then u are ok because I am ESC'... and i will stand before that tag. other than that u can not call me a cheat.....if u insist then we can organize a tournament between me and YOU with all the punkbusters and cheat bots that we can get just to show you that i can slice your ass at any time....or i might just shoot u if i have to... sorry..... im I being too loud? i will shut up now.......

No you do not cheat Ocho! Your just really good at sneaking up on us! assnapkin! "btw" happy birthday and please dont pass the knife!

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Ocho a cheater ... NO way ! Vengeful maybe ... Every time I shoot him in the Head He runs clean across the map and knives me in the Back, I have never knew anyone to bring a knife to a gun fit AND WIN !

Ocho I am keeping you in my sights.
If you are not dieing you are not playing
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The last time I was called a cheater was a friend who was upset I turned around and killed him every time he tried to "sneak up" on me. Each time I told him I heard him coming, and I could hear the disdain in his voice as he expressed his disbelief. If it wasn't for mutual friends online & in games, we might have parted ways. 8 months later his head phones broke, and he bought a rather expensive pair..and guess what....he marveled for days at how much he could hear, and complained he had to adjust the sound in game, and in Teamspeak because it was too much.

I let him go on for almost 2 weeks until he tried to sell someone else on how good those new headphones were. It was then I reminded him: "remember how many times you called me a cheater because I clearly stated I could heard you?"

I think he was a little embarrassed to think of the low opinion he held for me before getting his own set of headphones.
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