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Re: Language Spoken on our servers

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 4:19 pm
by {ESC}Myth
{ESC}Azvrel wrote:i don't agree with you myth. First we have many players we speak any language like me i can understand the english,french and little bit dutch,spanish and if you don't understand an conversation between two player spoken in other language but this conversation it's between players in not with you.. but if you think is speak with in bad language take google translate. But if the language it's in a other alphabet then in our now it's other thing.. but i say if you don't understand two players who talk in a other language don't try of understand them Myth anyway he don't talk to you but between them.
it's also considered rude to carry on a conversation in another language while a third person is present and unable to participate.
Speak whatever people want when they want, But if someone else is present and unable to participate in the conversation keep in mind your being rude by excluding that person due to a language barrier.

Re: Language Spoken on our servers

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 5:16 pm
by Admin
not on our servers its not, if your speaking english and someone cant understand you , then your being rude on a daily basis, our server are open to anyone from anywhere, and we are not about to tell them they cant talk to others in their native tongue!

Re: Language Spoken on our servers

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 7:32 pm
by {ESC}Bunny
Hey Myth, glad to hear your input! Your say is just as important as everyone else here. In Myth's defense, I can relate and fully understand. Realistically I wouldn't be able to play in a, oh say, Spanish or German server for too long without feeling alienated and bored. So, to address Myth's point (if i may):

The point is our foreign members and server regulars are sensible enough to still use English in game and TS with us but they should have the right to speak whatever language they feel comfortable with when they choose to. We are not promoting them to speak a language other than English, but we don't want to discourage them either. They could have easily chosen a clan that speaks their native languages, but they made ESC their home, and without them ESC wouldn't be complete.
Also, when it comes time to police the servers from plonkers cursing or misbehaving in a foreign Language, who do you think our first lines of defense will be?....that's right, the foreign language speaking members and friends of ESC. I don't plan to leave any game just to google translate somebody's "could be" misbehavior, especially when I know Azvrel, Master, Frost, Japo, or Dutch is on. (excuse me if i missed anyone)
I think when our servers are COMPLETELY taken over by a foreign language, it will be a problem. But it's a problem I just don't foresee.

Re: Language Spoken on our servers

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 9:29 pm
by {ESC}Master
i understand Netherlands,Germany,Belgum,Iran,Arabic,Kurdich 4 diff language,Turkeys,English 50%,

i can speak 11 language , but soz my english is low i cant help!
my languagse is not english but dutch, i can alway try to get beter english!

i am good with learn language! oneday i will talk english same as like you myth ;p !

Re: Language Spoken on our servers

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 11:25 pm
by {ESC}Myth
{ESC}Master wrote:i understand Netherlands,Germany,Belgum,Iran,Arabic,Kurdich 4 diff language,Turkeys,English 50%,

i can speak 11 language , but soz my english is low i cant help!
my languagse is not english but dutch, i can alway try to get beter english!

i am good with learn language! oneday i will talk english same as like you myth ;p !
i dated a girl from amsterdamn years ago, the dutch language is...unique to say the least.

Re: Language Spoken on our servers

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 11:31 pm
by {ESC}Master
hahaa myth