Another GPU fried

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Thats right the 6870 I had in there fried this evening while playing Skyrim. Do not have the money for a new one and I think im done spending money on more pc parts so im stuck with the 4850 I have in there now which cant run the games I play the most so I guess I will see you guys when I see you. It's been fun
I'am Ergo Proxy and I'am the agent of death
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Sorry to hear that Ergo ...

Hope you can at least play COD 4
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What!!!! No more BF3 :cry:
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Sorry to hear that Ergo. Perhaps a gpu cooler, when you get another card will help. They are worth the investment, but void your warranty as soon as you remove the plastic housing (in most cases anyway). Also...what type of motherboard do you have? I'm assuming that the 6870 was an ASUS card. I had trouble with the first one I bought and went through RMA hell to return it and get another. ASUS's customer service leaves a lot to be desired. Finally...check out your power supply as well. If it's older, check out the cables for wear....a faulty power supply can wreak havoc in your machine. I don't know your technical level you may want to enlist the help of a local pro.

If your card WAS ASUS, I'd bitch them out big time and launch a smear campaign. I called everyday that I didn't have a graphics card and they finally got off their asses to get rid of me. Be sure to ask for someone that speaks "proper" English, too. The first person I spoke with had a slim grasp on the language and screwed the pooch with my RMA return lable. It took a week of bitching before they finally emailed me one.
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Probably doesn't help that you were playing BF3 all day yesterday. And I do remember you saying your computer was overheating because of your fans not running as they would normally. But overall, man that sucks. Now I'm stuck playing with Tater :twisted:
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Wow! We were just playing BF3 together. Sorry to hear about your technical demise. My monitor just decided to roll over and die sometime after 3 am. I hope you get something worked out where you can game again soon.
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As luck would have it, a very good friend of mine 'Stink' a buddy that lives around the corner from me let me borrow his older 550ti until I can get a new one but, I am not too sure I want to spend more money on this pc I mean 1 psu, 2 motherboards, 2 6870's, and 1 phenom ii x4 950 all has fried on me in the last year alone, so I do not intend on buying a new Gpu any time soon, and for everyone to know it was a capacitor that fried, although it had little to do with it over heating I think there was something wrong with it ever since the other 6870 fried when my psu blew that and the motherboard. I am not too upset because I knew this was coming, just didn't want to admit it. But for the time being I can at least play the games I like on low settings with the GPU my friend lent me so no clown I can still play BF3. But if I do get a new GPU its going to be Nvidia, I am not saying I hate ATI because all the problems I have had with them have been my fault but I think if I make the switch I can forget how much money I have spent on ATI over the last decade lol.
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Well that's some good news man. Hope we'll still see you in game now that you have that 550 ti.

What kind of cards Lane?
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Hey, Lane. What would make all those components fry like that? Do you think it's a heat issue??...dirt?? Perhaps the power coming from the outlet is poor??? That seems like a lot of damage....
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It was the capacitor left of the ram on the front of the card, I have had a ATI fry like this before hand but that was when I was reducing the resistance on the voltage meter to increase the maximum voltage output for the card so I could over clock it more, now I did not do that on this 6870 since I never needed too and the voltage is locked so it would be pointless to voltage mod this card. But like I said when my power supply fried my mobo and the other 6870 I think it might of damaged the other 6870 but just enough to last a while before frying and I think when I was playing skyrim some how the voltage meter must of tried putting out too much energy and "sizzal crak pop" got the grey smoke and everything whole pc shut down. Now I know heat had something to do with it but I am not too sure since I do not manufacture GPUS lol. and I think it would be a waste of my money to send you the card to fix when im about 99.9 % certain its not fixable but I will email AMD shortly to ask them if its possible for a repair or not. There Customer service techs arent idiots so I am sure I will get a accurate response from them. Oh and lane what cards do you have and how much will the shipping cost, like I said I have a 4850 which isnt bad but it cant run any of the games I play most like BO2, BF3, Skyrim, FC3, etc but can run CSGO, and COD 4, and This 550ti isnt anything special its about 45% slower all around except for bandwidth where it has the advantage with the 2gb of ddr5 than the 6870 when its overclocked but still was faster than the 4850 I had in there but like I said it is a loner card and nothing more this is my friends only back up GPU so I cant "WONT" over clock it or abuse it with 2-10 hours of constant gameplay like I do with my own cards. So lane let me know what you got and if you have something that is worth the shipping let me know and we can setup a pay pal or something. Thanks by the way mate Ive spent too much money on this computer as is when the electricity bill is piling up, regular bills are easy to forget but turn off notices... Not so much LOL

Thanks again

Ergo Proxy
I'am Ergo Proxy and I'am the agent of death
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