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Wall shoothing???

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 3:46 pm
by Spikevolley
:fight1: Maybe its a old question but why is the deep penatration on in the servers, most of the times i and not just me beeing shot while aim behind a wall. Some players just shoot surtain corners/floors where u can hide. No real skill in that. For me its getting realy anoyoing and makes me drop out of server quicker now. I know aim not the only one and yes i know aim just a visitor but the question stands and i hope more people wil react on this so maybe it makes sence to me why its on??

Re: Wall shoothing???

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 3:56 pm
by Admin
once apon a time, the map makers had buildings with zones so you could not shoot throught them, now no one bothers and you can shoot through most walls, but not all. SOme ppl do not realize also that your butt or foot is sticking throught the wall and they get shot. I always tell my team do not hide in a corner or close to a wall. It is the way it is. I have not been on a server yet that has turned off deep penatration.

Re: Wall shoothing???

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 4:50 pm
by Bas
Well quite frankly the wall spamming does not annoy me so much. I get wallbanged very little, and when I do get wallbanged I figure it is a stategically sound move! We all have our cryptonites tho! Mine is random nades! Anyway, if it is so effictive that it makes you leave, use it. If you can't beat them, join them!

Re: Wall shoothing???

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 3:59 pm
by Gothic
I added M249 SAW to my class for the wall spray people on the prison map :P


M249 SAW:

In-game, the SAW has a very high rate of fire, good accuracy, good damage, and good range. Slow, slow, slow re-loads and low mobility. Tons of stopping power, so do not bother with Deep Impact (true for all the LMG's); however, get the Sleight-of-hand perk with this baby. This weapon gives up a lot in mobility and is best used for alley fights in a large-player, TDM environment. Don't be caught dead (literally) using this in any 5v5 objective gametype - the M4 players will run rings around you. Our verdict: if you want a stand-off assault weapon, wait for the M60E, the SAW is too underpowered.

Re: Wall shoothing???

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 6:34 pm
by Admin
i use it with deep impact,,hehehe

Re: Wall shoothing???

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 7:34 pm
by Gothic
me too, with extra ammo :yahoo:

Re: Wall shoothing???

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 10:20 pm
by {ESC}HvyMtlRulz
I usually dont spam walls unless the map is counting down to the end....For machine guns..I use the RPD with Double tap, Deep Impact, Fast reload...and a word....Evil.

Re: Wall shoothing???

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 5:00 am
by Bas
Poor spike, from a post to complain about wqllbanging, to a post on how to wallbang more effectively!

Re: Wall shoothing???

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 9:06 am
by {ESC}Double_Tap
I never just shoot a wall just to see if I can get a cheap kill. If I see a barrel hanging out of a window or a body part in a wall I will shoot it.
For me one of the most important thing to do is conserve ammo. I run out to much to waste it on a wall. They are ways to get cheap
Kills like people who spam nade without seeing anyone just a total guess, or wall spam. But the thing is this is a fair platform game, where
Everyone has the same ability and can do the same thing. The best way to learn and get better is to watch other players and see what they
Are doing to you and apply it to your game. :cheers:

Re: Wall shoothing???

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 9:06 am
by {ESC}Double_Tap
I never just shoot a wall just to see if I can get a cheap kill. If I see a barrel hanging out of a window or a body part in a wall I will shoot it.
For me one of the most important thing to do is conserve ammo. I run out to much to waste it on a wall. They are ways to get cheap
Kills like people who spam nade without seeing anyone just a total guess, or wall spam. But the thing is this is a fair platform game, where
Everyone has the same ability and can do the same thing. The best way to learn and get better is to watch other players and see what they
Are doing to you and apply it to your game. :cheers: