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The Incredible Hulk

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 12:27 pm
by AsToRoTh
The new one that is heh.... watched it at weekend and IMO its better than the one with Eric Banner (Chopper ftw) in. It seems to follow the 70s TV series rather than the comic and I think it makes for a better movie.

Im gonna try really hard not to give away any spoilers cos Im a nightmare for it... basically the story goes...

Bruce Banner was working alongside General Ross and his daughter Elizabeth Ross experimenting with Gamma radiation... after a freak accident he mutates into a huge green hulk and destroys the lab injuring "Betty" in the process. Banner then goes on the run.... Cue start of movie.

Special effects are awesome and theres more than the odd nod to the TV show. Lou Feringo has a cameo and is still huge (hes the guy who played the Hulk in the TV show for those who didnt know). Stan Lee also makes a very small appearance and you get to hear the immortal lines "Hulk Smash"

Theres also what I think is a reference to another super hero movie thats out now too.... at least I think it is... watch the movie and you will probably understand what I meant there.

Gotta say this one is getting a pretty high ranking in the super hero movie stakes from me. A must watch if you liked the TV show. I was gonna say I didnt see Bill Bixby in the movie but I just checked IMDB and he died of prostate cancer in 1993 (RIP Bill).

Re: The Incredible Hulk

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 2:52 pm
by LordGleedo
Yup, i saw it on sunday.

After the total abortion of the first one, this one rocked.

Seemed way more serious a film right from the start, kinda like the last Batman movie.

Special effects were pretty damn sweet.

Only a couple of questions remain un-anwsered:

1) Has Liv Tyler ha colegen put in her lips? (facial ones!! the filthy pigs!) :ebiggrin:

2) What are they planning next cause Stark made a special appearance?

Top movie really. My faith has been restored, as long as hollywood dont make another SHIT spidy movie......WTF was spidy bollox! :takethat:

Re: The Incredible Hulk

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 4:47 pm
by {ESC}Lager
I'll see your Hulk and raise you one Ironman !!!!!

Re: The Incredible Hulk

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 4:51 pm
by LordGleedo
{ESC}Lager wrote:I'll see your Hulk and raise you one Ironman !!!!!
For me the new Hulk was as good as Iron Man :willynilly:

Re: The Incredible Hulk

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 1:52 pm
by AsToRoTh
Right well since ZC started it LoL......

Yeah the reference to another movie I mentioned was Iron Man... Ive not seen it yet and tbh didnt really read the comic but isnt the guy in the suit (Robert Downey Jnr) called Stark? If Im right then I dont think its going anywhere ZC. I think it was just a reference to the Iron Man movie..... either that or theres gonna be a crappy spinoff Hulk Vs Iron Man spin off where Stark colaberates with General Ross in an attempt to defeat hulk.Either that or The Incredible Hulk2 will actually feature the mechs that have appeared in Hulk Ultimate Destruction and The Incredible Hulk games.

Was talking to my dad about the movie the other day (it was him who got me watching the tv series... it was our bonding time LoL) and said a similar thing to him about it being a lot more serious at the start.

Did anyone else think Banner looked kinda like Eric Banner about half way through changing into Hulk with Mr Blue? Reminded me of him in Chopper when he puts on a lot of weight.

Bah ZC I disagree with the Spidey comments... for me each of the series has been better than the last. Venom could have been in it more granted and I could have picked a better villian than sandman but the special effects more than made up for it. But thats just me.

Re: The Incredible Hulk

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 7:58 am
by {ESC}Mikey
{ESC}Lager wrote:I'll see your Hulk and raise you one Ironman !!!!!
I call you with Lora Croft

Hope to see both movies when they come out on DVD and the new HellBoy