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Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 10:08 pm
by Sgt_Mac
Mechanized Assassin Corp.


game name: m.a.c. (used to be terminator; overflow of that name)
real name: dallas
age: 19
location: fort gordon, ga
games i assassinate in: ut2k2, cod4 (xbox, soon to be pc), bf2, and crysis
reason here: great games with your members. good way to get the rust off after almost 9 months of no playing. great sportsmanship too. here to continue gaming with some old friends.

Anyways, besides all that. Yeah, I am 19 and on Fort Gordon. Enlisted in the ARMY about a year ago, but, will be leaving it in about March. Alot of problems at home; Sgts wants me there to take care of my family, and I can re-enlist later on. But, thats that. I have been playing UT since it ORIGINALLY came out. So yeah, I know the game a bit. Before I got internet on base, I would play against the bots to try and get in my game again.. unfortunatly, has not worked. but, you guys will get me back on my game, I know it. =] Anyways, I am not gonna write a book, so, you all will get to know me soon enough. (I WOULD JOIN YOU GUYS ON TS BUT, DAMN VISTA HAS MY AUDIO JACKED UP AND I DUNNO HOW TO FIX IT)

Also, great games today guys.

Re: M.A.C.

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 11:16 pm
by Admin
Hey nice to see you,,,I still dont know who you are,,I think maybe you have us mixed up with another ESC clan, but it is now gone.

Re: M.A.C.

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 11:19 pm
by {ESC}Lager
It was great to have you with us tonight in Ut2004 MAC. :fyeah:

When you get CoD4 for your PC, make sure to join us sometime on our CoD4 servers. We play a bunch of different mods, stock hardcore, and custom maps.

Nice to meet you!!!


Re: M.A.C.

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 1:08 am
by Sgt_Mac
Blackrose.. if you are the one I think you are, you were at PSI for a bit... and used to play over at [sSs]... you know Camco..well, I am his son. Anyways, it was nice being over in the servers today. Great games. You guys are starting to remove the rust from my armor... I will get my game back, just wait. =] Anyways, thanks for the welcome and I am sure to come by and visit quite a bit. =] hell, maybe someday i will wear the esc tag with honor. lol. never know. anyways, i will hit you guys up later. off to game a bit. thanks again

Re: M.A.C.

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 4:53 am
by MikZzona
Ahahah the Terminator wouldn't have stayed for long.. :jester:

Was great to play you yesterday, I can tell you you did not look any rusty at all, but well I don't know your former level so.. Watching that :)

You may want to check out the Trippins PC Clinic for your audio issue, I'm sure someone will have a solution there

Hope to play you again someday soon anyway, these games yesterday were great fun! :fyeah:

Re: M.A.C.

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 4:56 am
by {ESC}Mikey
Nice to meet you M.A.C.
Your name does look familiar to me.
Anyway hope to see you soon on the server

Re: M.A.C.

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 8:40 am
by Sgt_Mac

Post subject: Re: M.A.C. Reply with quote
Ahahah the Terminator wouldn't have stayed for long.. :jester:

Was great to play you yesterday, I can tell you you did not look any rusty at all, but well I don't know your former level so.. Watching that :)

You may want to check out the Trippins PC Clinic for your audio issue, I'm sure someone will have a solution there

Hope to play you again someday soon anyway, these games yesterday were great fun! :fyeah:
LOL. Thanks MikZZona. Well, my former skill is just a bit better than I played yesterday. I used to run a custom rig but, that went missing after O left for BT. Now, I am on a low-grade HP PAVILLION DV6700. SUCKS @$$! but, I am looking into a new rig, all custom, and better than my old one, so, we will see how things work out. But yeah, those games were alot of fun... except for the fact I kept being shot down by you and Goku... but, I will get my revenge.. I swear to you I will. Oh, and thanks for that link. I will get on that asap. I think it has to do with the driver I installed for it, cause since then, It's been messed up. =\ Thanks again though, and HOOAH FOR {ESC}!!!

Re: M.A.C.

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 11:34 am
by {ESC}Destroyer
Welcome MAC =)
Hope to share some frags with you soon

Re: M.A.C.

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 11:42 am
by Admin
Ok NOW i know you!!lol We thought the name familair and Worms said maybe TUC!!!!

Re: M.A.C.

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 11:45 am
by Sgt_Mac
LOL. Its about damn time Blackrose. Was starting to think you had forgotten me. LOL. Anyways, good to see you remember me now. Hope to frag with you all today. BTW, fixed my audio problems, WOOHOOO! M.A.C - 1 W. VISTA- 0 HAHA. Hope to get on TS soon. =]