Hi all. New info for yuh

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Sorry i havn't been in in a few weeks, been really busy with Admin stuff, Gemstone business stuff and general dicking around stuff.
First off, a good bit of news is that {OCS} and -={BS}=- clans are now tightly allied, not merged, close, but still have our own identities, but this means we will be able to make up teams for scrims as both our clans are small at the moment, and Derek, their founder has been instrumental in helping us set up our own Freeze Tag server, modded for BS clan, some of the features are:
Team identification, a thumbs up and team name above your head, (other team can't see it).
Claymores: an exclamation mark with team colors above each claymore, (other team can't see it)
Ice: Green ice and Black ice for team colors to compliment -={BS}=- colors (Black ice may be changed, not easy to see in very dark places, but you still can see team name and thumps up for defrosting).
Maps: We only have CoD4 stock maps for Freeze Tag at the moment, hoping to add more soon with our own mods.
Hope some of you can check it out for a few games or so because we would like your input as to what you think of the splash screens and features, etc, this is our server:

Freeze Tag:

Thanks Lager for letting me put our server on your site, play with you soon pal
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Hey thanks for letting us know!!!
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Sounds interesting ... Thank you for posting your info :ok:
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