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Flight Sim Screenshots

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 8:44 pm
by {ESC}Ground
figured i would post some flight sims screenshots. There will be more to come...

Re: Flight Sim Screenshots

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 8:47 pm
by {ESC}Ground
Here are some more from the same flight...

Re: Flight Sim Screenshots

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 3:19 am
by {ESC}Lager
WOW!!!!!! that sim looks amazing !!!!

80gigs for the program.... :willynilly: .....Holy smokes thats huge !!!!

Re: Flight Sim Screenshots

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 5:29 am
by {ESC}Mikey
Nice screenies ... what sim is that Ground, Looks better than mine ...

P-51 Mustang Attack Flight Simulator (Coco 1/2/3)

Re: Flight Sim Screenshots

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 8:45 pm
by {ESC}Ground
This flight sim is one of the advanced X-Plane versions. X-Planed makes the FAA approved training Sims but this is not the approved version...

Re: Flight Sim Screenshots

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 2:52 pm
by Admin
oh Mikey!!!LOLOLOL :)

Re: Flight Sim Screenshots

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 8:07 am
by {ESC}Mikey
Sweet thankx Ground ..... Rose ha ha ha I still play that one :) And it has the ability to direct connect to another coco for real dog fights :)