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ESC league - Just some thoughts...

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 11:44 am
by BaronR

Here is an idea what we can do;

-We make a league. ESC invites regular playing clans. A league differ somewhat from a tournament, each clan play equal number of matches.
-Duration 3 month --------> spring league, summer-league etc ...
-Around 12 scrims, which means 1 scrim each week. If 4 clans parcitipate, 3 games against each other. If 10 clans, 1 scrim against each other. You got the picture.
-1 "contact person" from each clan. Email in forum. Clan makes contact with each other and makes "a date."
-Big clans makes 2 teams or more.
-Result from scrims in forum. Whoever feels "the calling", make adjustments in league-table.
-Minimum 3 players in each scrim, no upper limit.
-To make it easy, scrims on test server HC2. No admin.
-Clans agree how many maps to play. 1 map, 5 maps 11 maps. Odd numbers. The team who want to play least maps, decides. I.e, 1 clan want to play 1 map, other clan want to play 9 maps ---------> 1 map.

Main thing is to have fun. If not, scrap this idea. But i think it might be interesting to try 1 season.

What you think ? :bs: or :cheers:


Re: ESC league - Just some thoughts...

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 6:13 pm
by Admin
we used to have something like that set up,,,but it never really took off BUT

Im working on something,,,,hehehe

Re: ESC league - Just some thoughts...

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 6:22 pm
by {ESC}Chief
Not wanting to toot my horn here,
But, in my previous clan, I did put together a small tourney.

Something like what you are talking about above.

The no admin worries me.

You have to have admin to start match, or at least a referee.
Someone needs to be able to password the server for each match.
Then there is the fact that when there is 2 clans vs each other and not 1 is ESC then you will need a admin to get the server to the right map, set the password, start the match and those things. Someone will need to be on at the appointed times that the other clans agree to have their match.

Great idea, needs committed people to work with it, and I am willing to help in any way you need.

Please contact me.

Re: ESC league - Just some thoughts...

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 11:40 am
by Admin
any ideas Chief send me a pm and we will get something started!!

Re: ESC league - Just some thoughts...

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 1:06 am
by BaronR
Thank you for feedback. I want to comment some of what you wrote.

-Im not sure what you meant by tourney. My impression of tourney is when two teams meet, only the winner play next scrim. Looser team dont play more. League, all clans play equal numbers of scrims.

{ESC}Chief wrote; The no admin worries me.

You have to have admin to start match, or at least a referee.
Someone needs to be able to password the server for each match.
Then there is the fact that when there is 2 clans vs each other and not 1 is ESC then you will need a admin to get the server to the right map, set the password, start the match and those things. Someone will need to be on at the appointed times that the other clans agree to have their match.

I played some "serious" before, where a special scrim server is made (countdown, preloaded maps the clans want to play, a number of rounds etc.) This is what i want to simplify.
Here is an idea how to make it easier. If you put password on your HC2 server, only people which know the password can enter. Auto-asign off. No admin needed because:
1) regular maprotation. No wishes what maps to play. Could be fun, since most players dont know the maps are disoriented, no "best location where to camp..."
2) people start when everybody has logged on. I think this should be easy.

If many clans are interested, one can have league 1,2,3 ... with only 4 teams in each. Easier to manage. After a season, best team moves up in better league, worst team moves down. In the long run, stable teams usually play in the upper leagues, where clans suddenly dropping out are limitid.

I think it is best to start with 4 teams. Play 3 times against each other (12 scrims for each team) for 3 month and then make a summary, make the right adjustments and start next season with more teams in 2.league.

If you want, Im happy to help you with this matter.

Re: ESC league - Just some thoughts...

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 9:35 pm
by {ESC}Chief
Yes I understand baron.

You have a great idea.

Referee or admin is still needed. I have done this before and the time would be very long to wait until end of map so everybody can start, then there is the score. If everyone is ready and the score is for example 100 to 100 then they would have to play until the score was reset to 0. Thus the need for an admin.

I will be talkn g Rose and perhaps Lager and other admin.

I think we agree with you in trying this out, we just need to work it up.

Look for updates soon, as we will be expecting some sign-ups.

Thanks friend.