just found out

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i must say sry for the mistake from one of our admins. i would like to apologize for the mistake now.im sry. i didnt know. it wont happen again.if i would have known i wouldnt have asked for ts or the united clan status. SRY

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The Only one that should be apologizing is me , i new what the rules were , but i broke them anyway, i should never have done it. All i ever wanted was for [RGS] to be friends with {ESC} , but because of my actions , that probobly will never happen. I know that this post will most likely not get me unbanned, but i wanted to let you guys know that i am truly sorry.

So most likely this is goodbye
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Joined: Mon Dec 24, 2007 3:46 pm
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It is not just that a rule was broken, tmdd, you professed to be our friend, and then broke a most basic, and important confidence. You are an Admin, and you tried to recruit on our server. This is bold and backstabbing at the same time, quite Ironic that you tried to recruit Lager. We can't trust you, and it's geting harder to like you at all.
I suggest you think about life for a while, and consider how you value integrity. Only time, and some sign you have it together, can fix this one.
Good luck with your clan,
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