67 year old Vietnam Vet Beats Down Punk On Bus

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Last edited by {ESC}Joe on Thu Sep 02, 2010 6:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Follow truth or stutter through a lie,
Will to push or give up and fall behind,
Live with peace or nurture your tragic life,
Bite the bullet or swallow it whole
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hahahaha he got what he deserved,,PUNK!!!!
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Hate assholes like that, just looking to pick a fight with some because of their age, gender, religion/beliefs or even where they live. He got exactly what he deserved and the fact that he followed my new hero up the bus just reinforces the fact he deserved as the man which is now my hero, tried to avoid a confrontation by moving away and did not attack until physically threatened and at which case he was already close enough (without having to move) to do some pretty serious, Fd up SUPER damage to the SCUM that deserved it.
Also I see Charlies everywhere man! they're even on the bus! I got 2 guns, my left arm and righty here...LAW and ORDER! Next Stop Pain Avenue!

Sorry for Rant and swears I tried to limit and censor myself
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Oh, the good ol' days. Don't be fooled by outward appearances.
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yea watch out for the WALMART greeters,,they can be feirce!!LOLOL JK
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I always wanted to be a Walmart greeter until I learned they don't really get hugs.
Tried it out one day and got called a "dirty old man."
So I quit hugging my wife and sought out some younger girls who would better appreciate me. Still looking.
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Hehe, saw this vid a few months ago... I was cheering again. So sick of loud mouthed thugs. Before I got my car in New York, public transportation was all I had. See these punks all the time.
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