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Sever Rules

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 12:05 pm
by snypir
To introduce myself, I am an admin over at I used to play ftag with a lot of you guys when you were with PSI. If gibbleguts was around, I'm sure he'd remember me, Scriptor might too.

I believe in rules, and generally don't have an issue following them. I bunny hop every once in awhile, more out of habit than anything, and when someone's shooting at me I hit the ground, aka diving.

I like that the ftag server ya'll have has anti-bunny hopping and anti-diving enabled. I've ran servers and have dealt with mods enough to know about these things and how nice they are to have. They balance gameplay very well and prevent speed freaks from ruining the game.

Now, my problem is I'm getting tired of people (ESC members) complaining about it. With the anti- diving stuff enabled, hitting the ground actually hurts me more than anything, since I can't fire back at all. And bunny-hopping does absolutely nothing, especially with the stock jump height. I will always take cover when being fired at, if I'm not prepared to fire back, as in I'm reloading or switching weapons. I see other players doing this, and I think it's an acceptable behavior, as I have yet to see anyone get banned for doing it.

My question is this, if I am getting fired at and hit the ground, as I usually do, am I going to get banned? I feel that since anti-diving settings are enabled, doing it isn't ruining the game for anyone, but it's not my server or my rules, so I thought I'd ask.

Re: Sever Rules

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 12:47 pm
by Scorp
there was a thread about BH and diving. the moves you perform - are simple attempts to dodge bulets, while a real dive is made from going prone while jumping. same thing is with bunny hopping. still, if you get a warning from admins or ESC members - try to decrease the amount of those stunts. we all are guests here,, and ESC guys - are the owners and those, who define rules, so we have to respect their decisions, regardless of what servers and websites do we run.

Re: Sever Rules

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 12:51 pm
by Legolas
You have a good point snypir

dont feel bad for doing this as I still every once in a while do the same thing. Its more of a natural reaction for me to dive for cover when i am being shot at but there is no point in yelling about this as it is only hurting the person that is doing the bunny hopping and or diving as it does take your gun away. If the other person can not shoot you by the time you get your gun back then they deserve to die :).

But im sure a few admins over here will chime in on this.

Re: Sever Rules

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 2:48 pm
by Admin
your fine, i hit the floor when someone is shooting at me as well,,that is not diving!
We do have ppl that do not read the rules, and we appreciate your notice of our rules, some members that are newer here tend to make sure that ppl know the rules,,lol I dont bother to tell anyone that often because we have it set that if you do them you lose your weapon, so you cant shoot me anyways!!
Good to see you on our forums and great to play with you!!!
Thanks for dropping in!!

Re: Sever Rules

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 6:02 pm
by Scorp
IMO, one of the most useful rules would be to FORBID spawn camping, because it's so bloody annoying, when a bunch of LMG-armed cadavres spam all the spawn area without letting any chance of spawning and reviving someone. OFC, it's my personal opinion.

Re: Sever Rules

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 6:28 pm
by {ESC}Tater-Salad
In all other game types I would agree Scorp, but in FT that is part of the objective. If that wasn't allowed the maps would go into overtime every round.

Re: Sever Rules

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 3:54 am
by {ESC}Lager
Hi Snypir

Welcome to our forums.

I think it's great that you took the time to introduce yourself and inquire about our rules.

About diving and hopping. If your close to a player who is firing at you and you try to use diving or hopping to gain a advantage (even with your weapon removed for a short time) thats not allowed. In close combat you should engage them directly.

Diving for cover from a distant attack is allowed just like running or weaving.

Don't worry about getting banned. Thats a extreme measure that we use only as a last resort when all warnings and kicks have no effect.
We're not ban happy here.

I hope to see you inagme soon.


Re: Sever Rules

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 8:26 am
by {ESC}Chief

Warnings sometimes come a bit quick, but are just a reminder.

Lots of people have different gaming styles. Many people play on several different servers in a days time, so once you leave one server and go to the next sometimes rules change and you have to change your gameplay. It is very hard to break old habits. So when I see it being done, (hopping and diving) I usually let it go because I know it is most likely an instinctive reaction. Only when I see the same player doing the same thing over and over do I know that this is that players style of gaming, and will then remind said player of the rules, in the event as Blackrose pointed out that not many players read our rules.

But again warnings are only reminders. As Lager stated, we don't get ban happy, and we encourage you and everyone to continue playing in our servers.

Thank you for taking time from you busy schedule and posting here. We appreciate your willingness to grasp an understanding on how we {ESC} do things. And thank you for your compliments.

Hope to frag with you soon.

Re: Sever Rules

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 9:19 am
by {ESC}Master
hello there snypir. :hugs:

i agree with chief/lager.... yep!

We are not ban happy here!!!!!!!!!! :sit


Re: Sever Rules

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 2:49 am
by Legolas
we might not be ban happy here but i have a feeling

esc bot is going to turn on us all sorta like Irobot

but what do my feelings matter