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Rescue 911<XI>
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Joined: Sat Nov 06, 2010 8:04 pm

Hi guys just want to let you my XFire so you can add me:


I was looking for yours guys but can't find it in your forum, maybe i didn't check at the right place. Feel free to add me and hope to kill you on the field :owned:
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:addpost: but Ive added you to my xfire.
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:th_blondmoment: I think I'm JHogan78... I really don't know..
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Rescue 911<XI>
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Joined: Sat Nov 06, 2010 8:04 pm

Ok thanks! Yours is not even there Thumper ;-) But the intel is good and yes it's that YoMama for your xfire ;-)
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Rescue 911<XI>
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Joined: Sat Nov 06, 2010 8:04 pm

I also saw that a few of your members doesn't put the good XFire ID. They put like {ESC}Mikey or {ESC}bunny and thats not correct... You should put what you've wrote when you register on XFire first and what it will appear when oyu change your name on it will be what you've wrote there. Check your things guys because it's not correct ;-)
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hey rescue mine is ward08 if u haven't added me yet. i will add u when i get home from school tonight they blocked acess to that stuff here.. damn them but anyways more than welcome to add me
peace out
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Hey Rescue, i just added you to my xfire!
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your already on mine!!LOL
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Mine is d5scorpion
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