Rising From the GRAVE!!! Wait.. I never went in!!!

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Tha's right, yall never thought I was gone for good didja?! I'm looking to get back on and play with you guys again, just wondering whether I should get COD4 or black ops... which am I gonna see people on more? Tried to ask Treetah on TS this morning but lo-and-behold, he was just idling or something.. for shaaame...

-- Aleadis -- As nonexistent as an effervescent wind. Until the blade of ones knife coalesces as the warming blood spills from ones heart.. I'm gonna sneak on game one of these days and knife every one of you sucka's to get myself back into the swing of things.
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Dor the rest we havn't met, so I guess good to have ya back here?? :P
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A lot of people are playing Black Ops, how ever we are still primarily a COD4 clan. I would think cod4 then BO when you can afford it.

because you withdrew your app. earlier, admen will probably ask you to remove your baby tags, on the forums, until you reapply for membership.


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removed tags, i played hell trying to figure out why i couldnt log in as Aleadis this morning, then remembered i hadnt been on the forums since i withdrew my app so hadnt removed the tags.. anyways, im thinking ill go out to walmart tomorrow to get COD4... so expect to see me tomorrow evening
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awesome,,hows things going,,yea we have about 9 ppl that play BO,, but COD4 is still the norm,,
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Nice to see you back Aleadis .... Yup Most of us play COD4 FT

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