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Freeze Tag....On the IPHONE?

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 9:48 am
by -KoD-VasH
Yes that is correct folks. For any of you who have an iphone/ipod can now play multiplayer Freeze tag online. Game is called NOVA2, I played through the first nova and online which was a great game. They released nova2 which has really awesome multiplayer mode for a freakin phone platform and yes it has Freeze tag mode along with CTF TDM and DM. I played this over wifi while I was on vacation this week away from my COD4. Amazing what technology has become since the days of Quake1 on 56k. link below: :bravo:

Re: Freeze Tag....On the IPHONE?

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 9:08 am
Cool, thanks i'll check that app out. :cheers: