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Hello to ESC from =DS=

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 4:08 am
by =DS=QuietKnight
I thought I'd stop by and say hello to you guys on behalf of =DS= clan. Some of our members have been guests on your freezetag server recently and have been 'getting to know' some of you - well, more specifically, dying a lot at your hands.

=DS= (Dunkirk Spirit) focuses only on COD4, particularly the Search and Destroy format. We are members of two competitive S&D leagues here in the UK but have recently been invited to join a small group of other clans to play friendly freezetag matches. To be honest, until we received the invitation, we hadn't even heard of freezetag (that's our excuse for being so bad at it by the way) and so thought it might be good to gain some experience - hence finding your server.

We've all enjoyed playing on your server and the freezetag format is certainly good fun - well apart from when we become a liability to our team by dying far too many times - and you guys have been very welcoming (and patient).

Perhaps we can set up a freezetag match against you guys at some point? We are happy to be cannon fodder for you! You would also be very welcome to play us in an S&D match on our server at some point if you ever fancied the idea.

You can find our website at Access for non clan members is very limited but please feel free to drop by.

Cheers all
=DS=QuietKnight (xfire: QuietKnight)

Re: Hello to ESC from =DS=

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 8:53 am
by Bas
Great to see you on here, and on our servers! as for the patience thing, dont worry about it, and I only consider you guys a liabilty to my team, when you are on the other one!

Re: Hello to ESC from =DS=

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 9:38 am
by Admin
Welcome to our home,,,its always great to have new blood to shoot at!!!lolololol
SOme of us play S&D, as you are our prey in FT,,lol,,we would be yours in S&D im sure,,but we are always up for something new,maybe we can get some ppl to your server and check it out,,see how bad we really are!LOLOLOL

Re: Hello to ESC from =DS=

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 8:16 pm
by {ESC}Tater-Salad
Nice to meet ya and thanks for the kind words. I love to play S&D just not very good at it. Most people say my game play is like a bull in a china shop. Not to conducive to S&D. :)

Re: Hello to ESC from =DS=

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 6:04 am
by {ESC}Mikey
Hello QuietKnight Nice of you stop by. Hope to return the favor soon.

FreezeTag has a habit of growing on you, sort of like ice crystals.