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Hello ESC I am [TWG]CI_CYCO (aka) Jen. I am a clan leader/ owner of Twisted Warriors Group. I am happily married and the mother of 4 ( 3 girls and 1 boy). I have been gaming for about 10 years now. [TWG] plays many different game as a group. Please feel feel to stop by and visit us at www.twggaming.com We would love to see you.
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Hello ma'am was great to play aginst you and hope soon we can play together thanks for stoping by ma'am and great game
and i am sorry but i try to register at your website to say hi and say that my email adrees is not valid i dunno why is my account from gmail so i will be happy if you can tell me why and maybe fix this issue jejje

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" it means you have touched someone enough to be in there thoughts even when you arnt around"
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Hello and welcome to our home!!!!

I'll try to drop by and say hi at your place.

Amony they may not allow gmail accounts (just like us).
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Hello CI_CYCO nice to meet you.
Thank you for stopping by to say Hi.
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Hey Cyco, welcome to our forums.

Great games last night, its been a pleasure having you, Smoky and Piggy over at our place. You seem to play several different gametypes, if you have enough players interested in Freeze Tag we would love to meet more of yours.

I have the same problem as Amoniac regarding the email address, tried with gmail and hotmail, neither worked.
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We have had many spammers on our site and have changed some of the ways we allow members to join our site. Please send me an email at CI_CYCO@hotmail.com with your user name our website and your email address and I will set you up. Please put your clan tag in the subject line so I know that it is you. Look forward to seeing you all.

Great games last night.. It was a lot of fun.
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hey great to have more girls playing!!!!!
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I Really enjoy playing with all of you. Thank you all for the warm welcomes.. Also Amoniac thank you for stopping by the TWG forums and saying hello. It was soo sweet.
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I got into their forums no problems,,,,,just saying
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CI_CYCO wrote:I Really enjoy playing with all of you. Thank you all for the warm welcomes.. Also Amoniac thank you for stopping by the TWG forums and saying hello. It was soo sweet.
Thank you and the feeling from my side is the same : nice to see you in our server, and really enjoy the game's :D
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