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Riding BlackRose

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 1:22 pm
by Bas
I almost forgot to tell/show you guys what I did last summer. So I ran into the BlackRose, and decided to ride her for about 2 hours. Here is the pictures:


And the closeup:


(not very clear, the bottom left of that boat has the name on it; Black Rose

Re: Riding BlackRose

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 3:46 pm
by {ESC}Mikey
Did she make you sea sick ?


Re: Riding BlackRose

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 4:53 pm
by Zoe
Wow... a lot of guys riding her...
where are you Bas? Back or front?


Re: Riding BlackRose

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 9:02 am
by {ESC}UDClown
Black Rose has a nice mast, make that two nice masts.

Re: Riding BlackRose

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 4:03 pm
by Admin

Re: Riding BlackRose

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 11:08 pm
by {ESC}Burns
was you riding the waves on her ? or just dangleing from the little string hanging out the port hole ? lol

Re: Riding BlackRose

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 1:02 pm
by Admin
:) :) :) :hello:

Re: Riding BlackRose

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 10:22 am
by {ESC}Bunny
Amazing that Black Rose is I tell many people riding her and she's always wet.
