Windows 8 :) no PB problem.. IW3MP problem

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I installed win8 because i COULD.. win7 worked fine but some youtube movies of win8 dragged me over the line.

i manually updated PB, works fine. not gettin PB kicks anymore..

BUt random IW3MP errors.. i suspect my mouse..

When opening first screen, my mouse isn't working. i see the windows pointer but not the cod pointer...
Pressing ALT+TAB twice ( changing between screens) gets it to work.

Connecting to a new map getting it sometimes too...

Any tips?

I don't want to hear, get back to win7... that is too easy. :club1: :club1:
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sorry vamp but i'm pretty sure its a pb problem. not a pb kick, but a it causes iw3 crash.
look for the application error in your event viewer, see if it says this:
Faulting application name: iw3mp.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x4859a219
Faulting module name: pbcl.dll, version:, time stamp: 0x50522bb2
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x000d8f53
Faulting process id: 0x1334
Faulting application start time: 0x01cdc3c07cc24bf5
Faulting application path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Activision\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\iw3mp.exe
Faulting module path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Activision\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\pb\pbcl.dll

note my highlighted text.

also, if you play in windowed mode, you wont have to do the alt tab crap. there is a cvar in the config file to set full screen or windowed.
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ill check it out Zeno..

The Alt tab crap is for the mousearrow to get back, i don't play windowed version.
When i switch to windows and back, my mousepointer is usable.

Logboeknaam: Application
Bron: Windows Error Reporting
Datum: 28-12-2012 23:00:44

Foutbucket -1139860617, type 1
Naam van gebeurtenis: APPCRASH
Antwoord: Niet beschikbaar
Id van CAB-bestand: 0

Handtekening van probleem:
P1: iw3mp.exe
P3: 4859a219
P4: pbcl.dll
P6: 50522bb2
P7: c0000005
P8: 000d8f53


Logboeknaam: Application
Bron: Application Error
Datum: 28-12-2012 21:40:52
Taakcategorie: (100)
Niveau: Fout

Naam van toepassing met fout: iw3mp.exe, versie:, tijdstempel: 0x4859a219
Naam van module met fout: pbcl.dll, versie:, tijdstempel: 0x50522bb2
Uitzonderingscode: 0xc0000005
Foutmarge: 0x000d8f53
Id van proces met fout: 0x14ec
Starttijd van toepassing met fout: 0x01cde53a6cee326d
Pad naar toepassing met fout: C:\Program Files (x86)\Activision\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\iw3mp.exe
Pad naar module met fout: C:\Program Files (x86)\Activision\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\pb\pbcl.dll
Rapport-id: de2a19f5-512e-11e2-be67-386077bf50c4
Volledige pakketnaam met fout:
Relatieve toepassings-id van pakket met fout:
<Event xmlns="">
<Provider Name="Application Error" />
<EventID Qualifiers="0">1000</EventID>
<TimeCreated SystemTime="2012-12-28T20:40:52.000000000Z" />
<Security />
<Data>C:\Program Files (x86)\Activision\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\iw3mp.exe</Data>
<Data>C:\Program Files (x86)\Activision\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\pb\pbcl.dll</Data>

YUP: you are right Zeno... its PB....
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I think you guys should try blowing up PB's forums with complaints. They should be able to fix this if they want to in a reasonable time frame. I tried looking through the forums and found no usable information on this problem.
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{ESC}Tater-Salad wrote:I think you guys should try blowing up PB's forums with complaints. They should be able to fix this if they want to in a reasonable time frame. I tried looking through the forums and found no usable information on this problem.
did that, I got 1 canned response then nothing.
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First post from my freshly installed Win7 Ultimate HD... I have two, so nothing is lost..

Win8 suks officially for me.. the Facebook app puts the chatfunction auto on.. i want it off but it can't..
Also UAC is back.. --------> " YOu REALLY want to do this?" everytime.. yeah duhhh i pressed the button didn't I?

And some other stuff.. i think it works fine with tablets and touchscreens.. and the cloud is a good thing too.. but they want to be more like apple i think.

And i dont like Aplle... i want to decide for myself what i want and dont want.. not the computer

So .. no more IW3MP's for me... see you in game all :)

Hope PB (and microsoft) will sort things out.. Win7 doesn't last for ever ;)
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vamp, I don't use any apps, I use the regular desktop and regular old fashioned programs. i updated to an ssd and so far i really like it. i might install classic shell and avoid the whole start screen, it really is meant for tablets (even though i don't use all that metro stuff on my tablet either). my daughter likes the metro stuff, i put windows 8 on her old dell d620.

anyways, the point of this thread seems to be solved with the latest updates from Microsoft. cod4 now works on windows 8 better than it did on vista.
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But i keep playing on win7 :)

I still have issues: my windows button keeps working, even though i shut it OFF in microsoft mouse and keybordcenter..


when starting up the mousepointer still doesn't change in codmousepointer. it stays desktopmousepointer. switching to desktop and back solves the problem

Maybe a clean instaal of cod would solve this, but i am ussed to rebooting now to play, although its not the most ideal stuation.. IT WORKS :)
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i have the same issues...but....its a mere click of a button .......twice...and im If this is the smallest issue I have ...other than getting kicked...(Or NOT getting kicked)....then..I'm cool with it. :yahoo:
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