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Yeah I know I spelled collEge wrong lol.
Sue me. lmao
And yeah the CIA is after me lol.
But yeah I'm not being naive, I really do know a friend, whos dad is a general in the UN army, and he told me all of that stuff, I swear.
You don't have to believe me man, I'm just saying what I know.
And for the record........I'm almost 17 :P lol
While advantage wasn't who ordered the killing of JFK, we all know that he drugged Elvis in the bathroom lol.

As for the ignorance part, there may be a few things that I haven't learned in terms of real life experiences, but I take collage classes, and I have been on the schools Debate, Chess, and Academic Challenge team.(Yes, I am a nerd)I have an IQ of 151 (as determined a few years back when my High school had me tested), and have won many academic awards. I can read and play music, on any stringed and many brass instruments. I know many detailed workings on computers, and have built, repaired and programmed, many myself. I have a semesters worth of collage credits in IT, and am not in my senior year of collage yet.
I may be inexperienced,as a matter of fact I know I am inexperienced, but please don't insult me with the term Ignorant.
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Didnt mean to insult you, friend. :) Just stating observations.
What you have to understand is that there is nothing wrong with a bit of ignorance when you are young, as a matter of fact, it is a gift, when combined with no responsibility at your age. Thats why i said enjoy it, it wont last for but another 2 years or so.
there may be a few things that I haven't learned in terms of real life experiences
Ya, I agree with you there, but it will come in time, dont rush it.

By all you have done so far, sounds like you are on your way to good things, keep it up, and get thru college. I look forward to seeing your own "Farenheit 911" in 5 or 6 years from now. :)

Lets go ahead and close this thread for now, if you still want to exchange idealogical and political views, lets do it via PM. :)
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Wait what about me ...

I am old, lost my ignorance a long time ago, can't play any musical instruments, self taught master mechanic, electrician, technician and not to bad computer guru.
Love this country to death, But can't stand the way it is being run into the ground

Oh yeah did I mention I was mentally unstable too :) My greatest achievement
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all I can say is I am not a Bush supporter,,but I am a proud CANADIAN, would not live anywhere else,,well maybe France,,but our contry could be run better,,hells what country could not be,,but its a hell of a lot better then some others!!
I am a firm believer in stepping into ones shoes,,I would never in a millon years want to run a country!!
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