My server *UT2K4*

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No i have one just need to add some new files on it that i added onto the server this evening
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I just got to try the server with Sneek, here are a few thoughts :

(Infinite) dodge >> Good!!
Infinite tranz >> Good for me, love to tranz around.. :wink:
Rifle >> I did not see how easy/hard it is to headshoot someone, will have to check that the next time, but putting that apart I really like it, the damage each shot inflicts is good (~36 apparently), and it's pretty fast too.
The sound of the rifle is not the best better, but well as for me it's not really important if that implies to change other good things..
Telefreeze >> I don't know... I know I like to telefrag for the fun when it only kills the enemy, but I'm still not sure to like it when it freezes someone.. The very positive point for the moment in my view, is that it doesn't give or remove any point to anyone (whether the killer or the victim), so we may not have as many telebattles as it could be.. We will see what happens when a few people are on

I forgot to check the regeneration, I know that you spawn with 199 HP but didn't see how fast you regenerate... Will check that too next time
I also noticed after getting killed twice in a row (once by Sneek, then by a bot - dam they're good!) that the spawn protection is pretty short, might be good to add a few seconds to it.. ? :willynilly:

Hmm.. There must be other things to say, I will add them when I think about them

Globally, I really like it so far I have to say :10: :coolehh:
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Zero!!!! you frost my butt!!!! :) :)
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Well thanks Mik :P
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